~A Bitter Taste of Honey~

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Quick note:
Anything said in French: Typed like this
Or maybe I'll just write the stuff in French-

Once we all landed, we were assigned hotel rooms and Shoko and I were assigned a room together.

Truly dumb luck if you ask me.

It had two beds, one bathroom, two closets, a mini refrigerator and microwave.

Shoko and I placed our bags down and I looked over at her.

"You wanna go explore?" I asked her.

"Sure..." Shoko spoke gently.

I grabbed her hand and led her out of our room.

"We'll unpack later." I shrugged.

Once we closed the door and made our way out of the hotel, we began to walk along the sidewalk, getting a feel for our environment.

We passed by a bakery named Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, and the smell of croissants hit my nose, Shoko paused and looked over at the bakery.

"I take it you want to go over there?" I asked.

Shoko nodded with a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

I shrugged and we both walked over to the entrance of the bakery. We walked in and the smell of croissants intensified, but it wasn't overwhelming, it was welcoming and warm.

"Look over the menu while I call my bank to see if my money got converted yet." I told Shoko.

She admired the scenery before her, and we noticed the front desk was empty, maybe they're busy in the back.

I called the bank, they confirmed my money was converted, and as soon as I hung up, a large man with a friendly mustache and strong side burns approached us with a kind smile.

"Bonne soirée! Je m'appelle Tom et bienvenue à la Boulangerie Pâtisserie de Tom & Sabine ! Comment puis-je prendre votre commande?" He asked.

Shoko tilted her head and looked at me.

"His name is Tom and he's welcoming us to his bakery and asking to take our order." I said.

"Oh! My apologies! You must be visiting! Welcome! How may I take your order?" Tom asked again in English.

"Yeah we're on a field trip. I'll take two croissants...an order of Profiterole...and two Mille Feuilles." I ordered after Shoko pointed to what she believed she wanted.

"Coming right up sir! You came in just on time for freshly baked croissants!" Tom said.

He then looked at the register and then back at me.

"That'll be €21! By the way your pronunciation is wonderful! Are you sure you aren't from here?" Tom asked.

I pulled out my card and handed it to him.

"I'm quite sure. I took French classes over the past two summers to add to my credits." I replied.

"Ah, I see. Thank you for your purchase! Your order will be out shortly!" Tom said.

A short woman with gray eyes and black hair had then approached us with our croissants.

"We believe in bringing out orders as soon as they're finished, but our croissants are best enjoyed fresh out of the oven! The rest of your order will be out shortly!" She spoke.

"Thank you." I spoke.

Me and Shoko sat down near the window and took a bite out of our croissants, my eyes widened a bit.

"Wow. They're actually way better than I assumed." I laughed a little.

Shoko nodded with a satisfied smile on her face. She refused to stop eating her croissant and was disappointed when it was gone.

I chuckled and handed her the rest of mine.

"I didn't eat a lot of it, you can have mine." I said.

Shoko looked at me and spoke very lightly, since Tom was not in the area at the moment.

"But...you didn't...get to enjoy...yours..." She said.

"It's fine. I'm more excited for the Mille Feuilles. Besides, you seemed to love the croissants a lot. So why restrain yourself to just one?" I smiled at her.

Her face went red and she looked away as she took the croissant.

"Thank you..." She spoke just above a whisper.

Tom then returned and placed our order on the table.

"Here you are! Enjoy your pastries made with love." Tom bowed and left us.

Shoko looked completely shocked at the pastries presented in front of us. Her eyes sparkled as she was placed her croissant down and picked up the butter knife to cut into the Mille Feuilles. We both tried it at the same time and god it was completely...mesmerizing.

Simply divine...

We walked out of that bakery a happy pair, as we took some extra pastries for later.

We stopped by an ice cream parlor and got milkshakes, we sat in a park with our milkshakes, quietly enjoying the serene view in front of us.

"This is...like a date." Shoko said.

"I suppose you have a point." I replied.

"Is it a good date?" I asked.

Shoko only nodded as she placed her head on my shoulder.

I smiled gently at that.

We stood up and began walking back to the hotel. A loud mouthed guy was walking in front of us, from the looks of it, he was middle aged, maybe a bit older, had black hair, and clearly was not paying attention to his surroundings. I tried to move out of his way, bringing Shoko to my side and hopefully out of his way, because I didn't feel like beating someone's ass today, but apparently that wasn't enough.

He rudely shoved Shoko, causing her to drop her milkshake.

The cup collapsed and the contents painted the sidewalk a pretty pale pink.

"Hey, Asshole! Watch where the fuck you're going!" I yelled.

The black haired male turned around and I grabbed him by the collar.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to boy?!" The man asked.

"Obviously you, fuckin' air headed cockroach!" I insulted.

That sure hit a nerve cause he dropped his phone and grabbed my collar.

"The hell did you just call me, boy?! You wanna get killed?!" He yelled.

"I should be askin' you that, jackass! You bumped into my girlfriend and made her drop her milkshake! That was her favorite flavor, you piece of shit mosquito! And you didn't even say sorry!" I yelled.

We began drawing attention of the civilians, and we grew louder.

He finally threw a punch and that caused me to hit him back, punching him in his jaw and following up with a punch to the gut.

Shoko grabbed my arm.

"C-...calm...down...please..." She whispered.

I halted my movement and stared at the guy trying to catch his breath, holding his stomach.

"Sorry...I shouldn't have done that in front of you. Let's get out of here, we shouldn't waste anymore time with fuckers like him." I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

I grabbed Shoko's hand and we walked out of the area.

"I'll buy you another milkshake when we go out again." I said.

"You don't have to-."

"I will."


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