~Healing Closed Wounds~

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Komi looked up at Y/n, his eyes bore into hers with softness.

"I-...I...uhm..." He mumbled.

Then, a thought popped up in his head and he looked at Komi.

"The uh...Spring Festival is...coming...up, would you like to go with me?" Y/n asked.

Komi's eyes sparkled and her mouth opened slightly, her cat ears perking up in delight.

"Yes!" She nodded.

Y/n smiled at that and chuckled.

"Are you hungry?" Y/n asked.


Y/n stood over the stove, he watched the Tonkotsu fry to perfection.

Komi's cat ears perked up as she studied the food over his shoulder in curiosity.

"Go have a seat, it's almost done." Y/n said.

He chopped up some vegetables and sprinkled them in the salad he created.

He placed the food items on the tray and slid the tray in front of Komi.

"Now then, I don't want to hear anything else from you if this food makes your tastebuds burst in delight." Y/n said, chuckling gently.

Komi cut into the Tonkotsu first and put it up to her mouth, she took a bite and chewed.

Her eyes widened as her ears shot up.

She hummed in delight as her eyes relaxed, she chewed the Tonkotsu with vigor, she had forgotten about the fear she felt earlier, the pain...

It all washed away, along with the grape soda.

Once she finished, she looked at Y/n, who was busy cleaning up his mess. She walked up behind him and hugged him as he cleaned the dishes.

"Huh?" Y/n asked.

"Thank...you...for the meal..." She mumbled gently.

Y/n smiled gently as a red hue crossed his features.

"N...no problem." Y/n stated quickly.

Komi looked up at the back of Y/n's neck and saw his ear turning red.

She tiled her head slightly as her ears perked out in curiosity. She reached up and gently grabbed his ear, yanking him back slightly.

"Ah- what are you doing?" Y/n asked.

"Your ear is red." Komi stated.

"Y-yeah that's cause I'm hot!" Y/n quickly said, releasing himself from Komi's grasp.

He flicked his wet fingers at Komi, causing the water droplets on them to fling onto her. She clenched her eyes and jumped in surprise.

"Ha! Take that!" Y/n chuckled.

Komi shocked her head and looked at her hands, thinking of the only thing she could do to get back at Y/n.

She extended her arms out and began to tickle Y/n's torso.

Y/n tensed up and began to wiggle around, bursting out into laughter.

"Ha- stop-! No! Not there! Hahahah! Sho-Shoko!" He laughed.

His mother and sisters entered the house as they had been searching for him for an hour, and they looked at the scene in shock...

His smile...had came back.

And he was enjoying himself...

Because of Shoko...

Chihiro smiled as tears rolled down her eyes, and Nanami and Asami sniffed as tears pricked their eyes.

Y/n noticed his family there and held Shoko's wrists.

"W-wait a minute..." He panted.

His hand held Shoko's wrist as they walked towards Chihiro.

"Mom...what's the matter? Who made you cry? I swear I'll kill the-!" Y/n exclaimed but was cut off by Chihiro hugging him tightly.

"...S-six...years...six years we went without...our kind and...happy Y/n...I went six years with guilt...in the back of my head...antagonizing me...six years...and we finally...get to see you happy...enjoying life...without the pain...of the past...and I'm so happy! I'm so happy you have others who have been helping you!" Chihiro cried.

"Six years, baby...six years...and nine...nine years you all had to go through that torment...I'm so sorry I wasn't strong enough! I'm so sorr-!" Chihiro sobbed but Y/n wrapped his arms around his mother.

"Please...stop blaming yourself. You did what you could. You protected all of us. You're the most strongest woman I have ever seen, and I don't want to hear you say anything less. You are a survivor, and I'm proud to have you as my mother. Understand?" Y/n spoke.

Komi watched as a tear pricked her eye, and her imaginary ears dropped low.

Komi then walked up to the pair and hugged them as well.

Chihiro smiled widely and wrapped her arm around Komi, Asami, and Nanami joining as well.

Y/n searched through his closet, how could he not have a Hakama?!

"Fuck...FUCK! This is some bullshit!" He growled.

He grabbed his phone and dialed up the best person he could to find that had experience with finding Hakamas.

Kawata Souta.

AKA; Angry!

"What?" Angry asked.

"Don't give me that attitude Angy! I need to get a Hakama asap and you're the only dude I can go to." Y/n said.

"Stop fucking calling me Angy! And go to Hachitsu Threads and get one. Easily affordable and stylish. They also measure you for free." Angry explained.

"Thanks Souta." Y/n said.

"K." Angry replied and hung up.

Y/n slipped on his shoes and ran off to find a Hakama.

"Damn he wasn't joking...this place has got some style..." Y/n whistled as he walked through the doors.

He had gotten measured and had a custom made hakama, which had his name knitted on the side.

He walked out of the store, and his phone rang. Y/n fished it out of his pockets and raised it to his ear.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"H-hey...uhm...what colors...are you wearing?" Shoko asked.

Y/n smiled gently at the sound of her voice.

"Blue. Are you trying to match?" Y/n asked.

Shoko stayed silent on the other line, as she was blushing, covering her face with her sweater. She was shopping for another kimono, because hers had a tear in it, and it couldn't get fixed.

"A-alright, blue it is. Thank you." Shoko said quickly and hung up.

Y/n chuckled, looking at his phone.


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