~A Field Trip~

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"We're going on a field trip!" Osana exclaimed happily.

Y/n tilted his head.

"I fall asleep for an hour and I wake up to this?" He asked groggily.

"Yup! The headmaster just announced it! We're finally going to go somewhere huge!" Osana exclaimed.

"That sounds wonderful. Where are we going?" Y/n asked in a nonchalant manner while rubbing his eyes.

"We're going to Paris!" Osana exclaimed.

"Woah. We're going to a completely different continent?" Tadano asked.

"I mean Doy! They've been telling us we would have at least one out-of-country field trip." Osana grinned from ear to ear as they rambled on about how much fun they were going to have.

"I guess that means I'll need some spending money..." Y/n muttered.

He had his doubts his mother would let him attend a field trip like that, but I mean she let him join a gang...so...

A field trip to another country wouldn't exactly be too bad.

He returned home that day, took his earplugs out, and went into his mother's room.

"Ma." He called.

"Yes, dear?" She asked.

"We have an out-of-country field trip to Paris coming up and I was wondering if-

"Yes, you can go. Just be safe and be smart with all of your decisions." She replied.

'Well that was easy.' Y/n thought.

He left his mom's room after they talked more about the field trip and Shoko, and then Y/n went to his own room to get ready for vocal lessons.

Y/n's phone rang and he checked it, seeing it was Tadano.

"Chadano, what's up?" He asked.


"Give me that phone! Who did you even call?"

The voice gasped.

"L-L/n?! How could you call L/n-Sama?! We're only joking around! Hehe!" The voice spoke in a panicked tone.

"I'll be there in five minutes, Tadano." Y/n spoke calmly into the phone.

Before the voice could say anything Y/n hung up and in an instant he was on his motorcycle.

He tracked the location with the hacking skills he started to develop, and followed the route that popped up.

Once he got to the house, he saw Amai standing in front of the door with a smile on her face.

"I didn't want to have to do this to you...Y/n-Sama..." She creepily said.

Y/n looked at her and smoldered, she fainted instantly.

"Tadano!" Y/n called as he opened the door.

"MMM! MMMHMMM!" He heard from the closet door near the front door.

"I guess she didn't have enough time to drag him to her room." Y/n spoke aloud.

Y/n opened the closet and grabbed Tadano, who was tied up and his mouth had tape on it. He took the tape off and slung Tadano over his shoulder.

"How'd you even get yourself into this situation?" Y/n asked.

"I don't remember! All I remember is I was walking home and I was knocked out! Then here!" Tadano rambled.

"Got it." Y/n held in a chuckle.

Tadano sighed gently and relaxed in his hold.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue." He said.

"No problem mate." Y/n said and sat Tadano down on the motorcycle.

Y/n mounted the motorcycle and drove off.

"Where's your house at?" Y/n asked.

"Make a right here!" Tadano exclaimed.

Y/n made the right and kept straight. He followed Tadano's directions and eventually made it to his house.

"Thanks again Y/n! I owe you one!" Tadano thanked and bowed.

"Please, it's my duty. We're friends remember?" Y/n asked as he smiled gently at Tadano.

Tadano paused for a moment, taken aback by the male's smile, but he smiled back and nodded.

"Right!" Tadano replied and he bud Y/n farewell and walked into his house.

Closing his door, his sister jump scared him.



Y/n was laying in bed, a small smile on his face as he was on the phone.

"Your fans are quite insane, you know that?" He asked.

"Yeah...it's so weird being worshipped by people as if I'm some goddess...I'm just Shoko, I don't understand what's so great about me." Shoko replied.

"Yeah no. You're amazing, Shoko. You turned a hard gangster like me into a big softie. That's somethin right?" Y/n joked.

"You're still a gangster. Just a soft one." Shoko giggled.

"A part of me wanted to make a dirty joke, but you're so cute I just can't bring myself to do it." Y/n sighed.

Shoko blushed on the other side, actually wanting to hear the joke but too shy to ask.

"So, you goin on that trip to Paris?" Y/n asked.

Shoko looks at her phone and then brought it back to her ear.

"I-I haven't asked...yet..." Shoko said.

"So you plan on going?" Y/n asked.

"Mhm." Shoko hummed.

Y/n smiled.


•Two days before the trip•

"Make sure you pack your toothbrush!" Chihiro noted.

"And underwear unless you wanna free ball." Asami chuckled.

"Here can you give this to Shoko-Chan?" Nanami said, handing Y/n a box.

"Jeez, the trip is in two days and I've already got my things packed, and yeah Nanami." Y/n said.

Chihiro smiled at her son.

"I just want to make sure you're fully prepared! They're sending my baby to a different continent!" Chihiro cheered.

"Yeah man, must be fuc- freaking nice! Our school won't even let us go to Kyoto..." Asami blew her bangs out of her face in a huff.

"Yeah, it's mostly because of the big bullies we have there that get into fights and stuff." Nanami muttered.

"At least you guys aren't getting hurt." Y/n sighed.

The girls stayed quiet.

"Right?" Y/n looked at them with a questioning yet threatening look in his eyes.

"I-uhm...some of the girls-

"Say no more, I'll be there tomorrow." Y/n cut his sister off and Asami smiled gently at that.

"Nobody bullies my sisters but me. Besides, I have some pent up-

"Sexual frustration?" Asami asked.

"-Aggression that I need to let out before I go on this trip." He glared at Asami, who chuckled nervously as she backed away.

"Though, when exactly are you and Shoko gonna fu-?" Asami asked.

"ASAMI!" Nanami squealed.

"I'll beat your ass!" Y/n laughed evilly and ran after Asami.

Chihiro only sighed as a sweatdrop fell down her head.

"I guess I'll prepare dinner..."

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