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Today was the day, Father Tormentin' Friday!

Y/n hurriedly drove Shoko home and sped off to the Tokyo Manji base.

At a red light he quickly texted his mother he'd be home late and not to make him dinner.

"Alright dear! And nonsense I'll make you a plate and place it in the microwave."

He chuckled gently as he slid his phone in his pocket and pressed the gas, speeding off.

He arrived at base and quickly entered.

"Ah, there's the man we've been waiting on! Come on he's just down here." Mikey smiled.

Mikey was followed by Baji and Draken, they all escorted Y/n to the basement, where his father, among many other enemies of Toman and people in debt to them, were held.

"I'll kill your asses if you don't let me see my son!" Hitoshi yelled.

Baji sucked his tongue and rolled his eyes.

"He's so fuckin' annoying! I almost killed him twice...!" Baji groaned.

"You sissy bitches! Fucking cunts! Let me see him! Bring Y/n down here!" Hitoshi growled.

Y/n kicked the door open and scowled at his father.

"I'm here old man. Now shut the fuck up." Y/n demanded.

Hitoshi smiled up at Y/n.

"N/n! I'm so glad you're-!" Hitoshi smiled but was cut off by Y/n kicking him square in his jaw.

His tooth flew to the other side of the dungeon, and that's when Mikey, Draken, and Baji decided to leave.

"Don't you dare call me by my fucking nickname! You don't have not a damn right to!" Y/n yelled.

"Come now, no need for violence, I just want to talk." Hitoshi said.

"I'm not in the mood for talking. Not now, not ever." Y/n said, cracking his knuckles.

He walked up to his father and punched him in the jaw. He had kept punching him until he felt satisfied and then set his backpack down and started going through it.

"Listen...what I did to you and your mother was unforgivable. I understand that-

"The chance for you to try to kiss and make-up is long fucking gone. So this pathetic attempt to even try to keep talking is futile, and the fact that you continue to talk is pissing me off more than hearing you breathe." Y/n quickly cut off Hitoshi.

Hitoshi frowned as he watched his son fumble around in his backpack.

"What are you doing?" Hitoshi asked.

"Don't worry about it, asswipe." Y/n said.

He stood up, simultaneously pulling out an object.


"Eenie, meenie, miney you!" Y/n laughed sadistically as he broke another of his father's fingers.

Hitoshi howled in pain.

"S-stop it! I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry Y/n please!" Hitoshi exclaimed.

"You know...the word stop...means go...doesn't it? You're very familiar with that right? Then get used to it bitch." Y/n coldly spat.

He took his father's pinky and slammed the pliers down so hard that it cut his pinky off.

"Whoops. Clumsy me." Y/n dryly said.

He picked up the pinky and sarcastically cringed.

"Yeesh. Wonder who's finger is this?" He asked in false shock.

He then shoved the pinky in Hitoshi's mouth and forced him to swallow it. Hitoshi vomited the pinky back up, and Y/n scowled distastefully at him.

Y/n then went to his right hand and began to break each finger up until his pinky, and cut his pinky off.

"Now then, let's move to something else!" Y/n chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'm nowhere near finished." Y/n smirked at Hitoshi.

Hitoshi had tears stinging his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

"L-listen Y/n. Please. I want to be a better father to you, and a better husband to your mom." Hitoshi grunted.

"I like that you fucking forgot about your two daughters. Fucking asshole." Y/n tilted his head to the side as he looked down on his father.

"You know you instilled fear into those two, and they couldn't do shit without being afraid you'd yell at them. Wasn't Asami your favorite? Because she looked like you right? But because she always took Nanami's side, you had no problem trying to lay hands on her. It's pathetic how now, after nine years, you wanna play Good Father? Fuck out of here with that bullshit. Now enough talk." Y/n stated.

"W-wait no I-

Y/n punched Hitoshi in the nose and placed his palm on his forehead, tilting his head backwards and forcing his mouth open with a hard metal object. His eyes widened when he saw an extraction forcep in his mouth.

"Wait! No! Stop!" Hitoshi screamed, but it was more muffled because of the extraction forcep.

Y/n latched the forcep on his tooth, and yanked it out with all of his strength, a loud scream erupted from Hitoshi's mouth.

"Nine to go!" Y/n cheered.

Hitoshi's head was forced back, but the man refused to open his mouth.

"Oh? You dare defy me?" Y/n asked.

He then rose his foot and stomped on Hitoshi's groin roughly, the male shouted in pain, and instantly the forcep went back in his mouth, and onto another tooth. Y/n yanked that one out as well, it fell to the floor gently. The following tooth hit the door before falling to the floor.(bArS-)

Y/n cackled maniacally as the pleads from his father grew loudly, much like his screams of pain between each tooth that came out.

Y/n sighed in disappointment as his father passed out.

"Aw...that didn't last as long as I wanted it to." Y/n groaned.

He looked at his phone, seeing that he had ten messages from Asami, five from Osana, two from Katai, and five from Shoko.

He checked Shoko's.

"Uh, hey. I was wondering if we could go to the tree tomorrow if possible."

"I just wanted to spend some more time with you."

"Sorry I'm texting so late...you're probably asleep."

"And I'm sorry if I'm being a burden."

"Bbut if you want to then I'm available at 1! I hope to see you! Or for you to text me back..."

"She must've been thinking about me...this late at night though? It's almost 12..." Y/n mumbled.

He looked back up at Hitoshi's comatose body and then scoffed, leaving the basement room, and going up to the surface, seeing a few members of Toman drinking, playing the game, or sleeping.

"Alright, I'll be back tomorrow." Y/n said.

He then left the building and went home.

A smile spread across his face as he realized.

'Two more days...Two days of beating that bastard to a pulp!'

Then a blush crossed his face.

'Wait, did Shoko ask me on a date?!'

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