~A Heartbreaking Past Pt.1~

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(Warning: The content below contains graphic content such as abuse, violence, and r*pe. These scenes may be traumatizing or harmful to some audiences; reader discretion is advised)

*I'm serious! Read at your own risk!*


"Y/n...was a sweet boy. He used to smile all the time when he was young, but that had all changed when his sisters were born..." Chihiro said.


When he was 2, his twin sisters were born, and their abusive father became more violent once he laid eyes on them.

"These aren't my fuckin' kids! They look nothin' like me! Except for that one. She looks like me...but...those other two demons don't belong in this family! Put them up for adoption!" He exclaimed.

"Y-you know I can't do that...they're my kids as well as yours, dear." Chihiro sniveled, holding Nanami and Asami close to her.

"Woman what did I tell you? You do as I say!" He exclaimed.

Y/n waddled into the room, he had grinned at his mother and two baby sisters as he walked towards them. His father looked down at him and glared at the boy.

"Ma-ma!" Y/n giggled.

"Baby!" He cooed as he pointed at Asami and Nanami.

"Yes, sweetie. These are your baby sisters." Chihiro said gently.

"Tch, disappointments." Y/n's father mumbled.

"By morning, I want those disgusting creatures gone." He added, leaving the room and exiting the house.

Y/n looked up at his mother, his large, red eyes peering into his mother's soul.

"Daddy bad?" Y/n asked.

"No...No, dear...Daddy's not bad...he's just...drunk..." Chihiro reassured her little boy, who had nuzzled up to her in order to get closer to his sisters.

He caressed their tiny heads and a sense of protection overtook his young heart, and he unconsciously vowed to protect them.

2 years had passed, Y/n was now 4, his sisters being 2. He and Nanami were highly hated by their father, and he would often verbally abuse the two, claiming that they weren't his children, they were adopted, they were disappointments, he never wanted them, and if he could, he would kill them right now...

Y/n didn't much care for his father's harsh words, he was more focused on his mother and sisters. Y/n actually ignored him and often tuned him out to watch his cartoons. That is until his father came home one day drunk and yelling, which was nothing new to Y/n, but then he began to yell at his mother.

"Why aren't they fucking gone?!" He yelled.

"I'm not putting them up for adoption, Hitoshi!" Chihiro exclaimed.

"But what did I tell you to do! You listen to what I say do you understand me, woman?! Those brats are gone, TODAY!" Hitoshi growled and he went into the living room to grab Y/n and Nanami, but Y/n had grabbed her and moved upstairs to his room and locked the door.

Hitoshi growled and banged on the door roughly, Nanami had begun to cry as she was afraid, Y/n held her close to him and stared at the door.

"Stop it Hito! Leave them alone!" Chihiro exclaimed, she had grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the door, but he punched her in her eye.

"Stupid bitch! What makes you think you can order me around huh?!" He yelled, he took a break from trying to get Y/n and Nanami, and instead crawled over Chihiro, and began punching her. Y/n's eyes widened and he clenched his teeth together. He grabbed Nanami and hid her in the closet under all of his clothes.

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