~I'll Kill You!~

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"You...dirty sack of rancid dog vomit! How dare you...How DARE you bring Shoko into this?! Shoko has nothing to do with what we have going on currently." Y/n screamed.

Hitoshi cocked his head sideways, a sadistic smirk stretched across his face.

"Why, I did it only to fuck with you. You can't do shit in your current position. My men have you and this little bitch surrounded, I'm guarded, and you're outnumbered. All because your stupid ass actually came alone. I honestly expected you to not do as your told, but I suppose I overestimated you." Hitoshi laughed.

"Touch her, and you're dead." Y/n threatened.

He walked up to Komi and grabbed her by her chin. He then slapped her which caused Y/n's blood to boil instantly.

"Come get your little girlfriend, Y/n~."

Y/n gritted his teeth and let his anger get the best of him, all rational thinking flew out of the window. He rushed through the thirty buff guys before him, punching them into unconsciousness. Hitoshi's eyes, along with Komi's widened.

'When did he get so much strength?' They both thought.

Y/n body slammed one other guard, and Hitoshi called in reinforcements, and triple the amount of guys had stormed through and despite how much Y/n fought, he had been overwhelmed, and the fresher guards started to beat his body with batons, his body fell to the floor and they all took that opportunity to kick and punch him.

Hitoshi laughed.

"How pathetic! What happened to killing me? Do you want this whore to die?" Hitoshi asked, Airi raised the knife up to Komi's neck.

Y/n gripped the concrete with anger, his chest heaved painfully as it hurt to breathe.

"Seriously...you came in here with so much vigor, so much fire burning in your eyes, now look at you...a sad, defenseless, lonely little boy, that'll witness the only thing close to love perish before his own eyes." Hitoshi chuckled.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Mikey's voice boomed.

The men clad in black clothing all stopped and turned to the foreign voice, which was at the entrance of the warehouse.

There stood Mikey, along with thousands of Toman members, all pissed and ready to fight.

Mikey rushed towards a guard and punched them in the face, knocking them out instantly.

"Come on Y/n! We taught you better than to let yourself get jumped!" Baji lightheartedly laughed.

The rest of Toman were already running through the guards with ease, Y/n was helped off of the floor by Draken and Angry, and they all went off to beat the hell out of the guards.

"Get his ass Y/n, he's runnin' away!" Mikey yelled.

Y/n bit his lip as he watched Hitoshi run up the stairs, but then looked back at Airi who had Komi held at knifepoint.

He clicked his tongue in frustration and shook his leg impatiently...

Save Komi...or beat the life out of his father?

He'd been waiting years to find him and to kill him...he had devoted the rest of his life to killing him...

But Shoko...Shoko was kind...she was easy to talk to...he had opened up to her about so much and...he could say she was probably his first love...






Was more important.

Y/n huffed as he ran towards Airi and socked her in the cheek, he grinned maniacally as he watched her fall to the ground.

"I've been waiting eagerly for this moment!" Y/n cackled.

He climbed over Airi and slammed her face into the cement.

"Not only did you fuck with me, you fucked around with Shoko, and even tried to ruin my highschool life, I'm not one to put my hands on a female but females act with class, bitches act with vulgarity, and not the good kind." Y/n laughed afterwards.

He stood over her and kicked her in the gut.

"I beat bitches. Especially ones who do me and those I care about wrong." Y/n whispered.

He stepped on Airi's arm and began to stomp her face in, he kicked her face to the side and grabbed the arm he was standing on, and bent it upwards, breaking it.

Her screams bounced off of the wall as he growled angrily at her.

"That's for distracting me from killing my father. You always have to make my life harder..." Y/n said and he spat on her before kicking her one more time for good measure.

He then ran to Komi's side and removed the gag from her mouth.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked.

"Mhm." She hummed.

Y/n nodded and smiled gently at her. He then hugged her tightly, resting his chin on the crown of her head.

"God, I'm glad you didn't get hurt...anymore than you already are." Y/n breathed a sigh of relief. 

He stood up and looked at Mikey who was beating the hell out of one of the guys.

"I'm taking Shoko back to my place! Clean house for me okay?" Y/n informed.

Mikey looked back and smiled at him.

"You do your thing Y/n, leave it to us!" Mikey chuckled.

Y/n nodded and grabbed the blanket on the ground and wrapped it around Komi, making it look like a dress.

He picked up Komi, bridal style and left the warehouse.

The ride to his house was silent, it was late, probably around 3 or 4 in the morning.

He pulled into the driveway and quickly grabbed Komi.

Using his free hand he opened the front door and opened the door, closing it behind himself.

He ran up the stairs and entered his room, he sat Komi down on his bed and dashed to the bathroom for his first aid kit.

She had a few cuts on her legs and arms, bruises on her face and her eye was swollen.

Y/n walked back in his room and kneeled before Komi, cleaning her wounds silently.

"Y-...Y/n?" She asked gently.

"Yeah?" He responded flatly.

"Are you...okay?" Komi asked.

Y/n paused, his arm fell to his side as he hung his head low. He gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes shut, his hands tightening into fists.

"I-...feel so terrible...b-because of me...you got hurt...you were dragged into some mess that had nothing to do with you and you ended up getting hurt...I-I'm so sorry...Shoko." Y/n explained.

He was angry...angry at himself and angry at his dad.

Komi's arms wrapped around Y/n's head and she held him gently.

"You saved me...that's all that matters...no one blames you...your dad is the bad one..." Komi reassured.

She pulled away from him and he calmed down a bit, he continued to clean her wounds and bandage them.

"Shoko..." Y/n called.

"Yes?" Komi asked.

"I wanna say something...important..."

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