~Hurtful Words are Mean Y/n~

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Y/n held Airi's mother in his arms as she cried. She sobbed intensely as her husband held the both of them.

"Why would she...just leave? S-she has nowhere else to go! What if she's hurt? What if she's hungry..?" She sobbed.

Y/n looked down at the woman.

'That note had so many insults towards her...yet she's still only worried...that bitch doesn't deserve to have Kaori as a mother. Never did honestly...' He thought.

He consoled the woman as Ren decided to make some tea for her. Tea always calmed her down.

"Why doesn't she like me, Y/n...? I've done all I could to be...the best mother I could be...a-am I not good enough? I must be a failure of a mother for my daughter to just lea-." Kaori sobbed but was stopped by Y/n.

"She's ungrateful. She doesn't understand how much you loved her. She should be so thankful to have a mother as kind and gentle, as sweet and patient, as supportive and lenient, you are the greatest mother anyone could ask for. She's the one missing out. She's been nothing but disrespectful and cruel to you, you don't deserve that. Whatsoever." Y/n said.

His words only made Kaori cry more. She was crying this time out of the pain her heart had gone through. It hurt Y/n a bit, seeing her so broken...the opposite of her kind and happy demeanor.

He didn't think Airi had put the woman through so much heartache.

Scratch that.

He did. He just thought Kaori always brushed it off. Out of the love she had for her daughter.

Ren didn't care, he knew how much Airi hated the two of them, he only cared because his wife did, that was his child but, she acted as if she wasn't so what was the point in getting emotional over someone who could care less about your feelings?

But he loved his wife. He loved his daughter...but she never loved them, not that it mattered now.

Y/n sighed as Kaori finally let go and wiped her face.

"I'm sorry Y/n, you didn't need to see me like that." She sniffled.

"It's alright. I understand how you feel." Y/n said.

Ren smiled and pat Y/n's shoulder.

"Thank you for delivering this note to us...we really appreciate it." Ren stated.

"Of course. You deserved to know." Y/n said.

He stayed for a while, entertained the mournful woman and her husband, and cheered them up.

"I know you won't get over this sudden loss instantly, but I assure you, it is for the best. She'll come back eventually once she's cooled off." Y/n said.

He wasn't one to give false hope to such kind people but, he had to if he wanted to return home.

Later on though, he did eventually get home, and at exactly 1:00 he received some interesting news from his sister.

"Fuck that mutilated stag beetle! I hope he finds a ditch and fuckin lays in it!" Y/n yelled.

"Stop being mean Y/n! It was an accident!" Asami exclaimed.

"NO! How the fuck do you accidentally HIT NANAMI?!" Y/n exclaimed as he thrashed around in his mother's arms.

"How the hell are you so strong mom?!" He grunted.

"Nanami is just fine now, there's no need for you to go find the boy." Chihiro said softly.

Y/n tensed up as his mother's grip on his bicep tightened.

"Tch..." He clicked his tongue as he stopped moving.

Once Chihiro let go, he dashed out of the door and hopped on his motorcycle, quickly cranking it up.

"No! Y/n where are you going?!" Asami asked.

"Vocal lessons!" Y/n smirked at her.

"Vocal lessons don't start until 5 for him..." Nanami stated.

"Oh dammit..." Asami cursed.

He drove off to find the boy that hit Nanami.


Y/n came home with a prideful smile on his face.

"He was 12 Y/n!" Nanami exclaimed.

Y/n looked back at his sister.

"Oh, I know." An evil glint was in his eye.

"You kicked a 12 year old boy's ass?" Asami asked.

"No one hits Nanami and gets away with it. Accident or not. Expect an apology tomorrow Nami." Y/n said.

And with that, he went upstairs to talk to his new girlfriend as if he didn't just beat a kid who wasn't in his teens to a bloody pulp.

"Okay, you're gonna end up like da-

"Sami! Don't say that!" Nanami interrupted.

"I'll kill you." Y/n warned with a glare.

Asami swallowed her saliva as she smiled at Y/n.

"G-go back upstairs!" She said shakily.

"Shoko." Y/n called as he held the girl's hand.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Now that...we're together...what now?" He asked.

Shoko was quiet for the moment. She didn't know what was next for the two of them.

"We...face our future together...head on." She said.

Y/n stared at her for a moment before closing his eyes and smirking, letting out a soft chuckle.

"Yeah? Sounds like a plan then..." He said.

The two teens looked at the sunset together, leaning on one another.

Y/n had all he wanted, his mother and sisters were happy, he had Shoko, and his father was dead. He even had friends and a wonderful high school year.

Shoko was also happy.

She had the boy of her dreams, friends, and she was slowly getting through her communication disorder with the help of her new boyfriend.

In their minds. Nothing could beat this wonderful feeling...

A happy ending...for two happy people indeed.

(Ik what ur thinking "WHAT THE STORY ENDED? Well unfortunately this story is definitely coming to an end... SO next chapter may be the final chapter. An ending to this wonderful story. Unless of course...you all want another book...featuring Shoko and Y/n's adult life together~. There may even be a lil spice in there since they'd be older~! AH but that's up to you guys! Anyways I'll see you all in the next chapter; THE FINAL CHAPTER!)

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