~A Glint of Revenge~

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"GUYS! GUYS WE HAVE TO!" Najimi exclaimed.

"I'm good." Y/n said.

"I'd go Najimi." Tadano said.

Komi nodded.

"THANK YOU! Come ON Y/n-Kun! Just one day!" Najimi begged.

"Why should I come along?" Y/n asked.

"Don't tell me you can't swim?" Najimi pursed their lips together.

"I can! Chill out..." Y/n scoffed.

"Prove it then." Najimi challenged.

"Not falling for it. I have nothing to prove." Y/n said.

Najimi nudged Komi, to which she sighed and walked in front of Y/n. She turned around to swiftly stop him in his tracks, and gave him her best kitten eyes she could.

Y/n gritted his teeth as he struggled to look away.

"There's no way...I'm gonna...fall...for this!" Y/n grunted. He sighed almost instantly as her stare got even more intense, and he gave up.

"Fine...I'll go..." Y/n groaned in defeat.

"Great! See you tomorrow then!" Najimi exclaimed and ran off.

Tadano waved at Komi and Y/n.

"I'll be going too. I have to meet up with my sister so we can walk home." Tadano said.

"See ya." Y/n said.

Komi waved as to say good bye.

"You want me to take you home, Shoko?" Y/n asked.

Komi blushed gently and looked up at Y/n. She looked off and nodded sheepishly.

"Let's go then." Y/n said as he spun the car keys around his finger, unaware of Airi watching him open the door for Komi, and then getting in the car himself.

"Since when did he have a car?" She asked herself.

The car ride was silent, with the addition of Y/n humming a tune he couldn't get out of his head. He had rewatched Hamilton recently—

Komi preferred Y/n's motorcycle, she was closer to him, and they could go anywhere and experience so many things in little time, as Y/n always went through routes without stop lights and signs, due to his motorcycle's slim build.

Just like that, a subject to talk about had came up, now all she needed was to execute the question!

"Y-....Y-Y/n...?" She mumbled.

"Yeah?" The male asked.

"Y-...you...your...m-m-motor...cy-cycle...w-where is...it?" Komi asked.

"It's still in the shop, I'm actually supposed to be getting it today, but I've got a lot to do, so I'll just get it tomorrow." Y/n answered.

"I-....I s-see..." Komi said.

"Your speech is getting better. Have you been practicing?" Y/n asked.

"N-no...I-...I can t-t-talk...be...tter...when I-I-I'm w-with...you..." Komi uttered.

"It's quiet, but for sure yeah. Don't tell me I'm that good of a teacher." Y/n joked.

Komi smiled gently, as she looked at Y/n, his eyes were glued to the road, and she got a chance to study him without fear of him looking her way.

His biceps and forearms were wonderfully sculpted, his jawline was sharp and defined, he looked something out of a Greek Mythology.

"Shoko." Y/n said.

"Y-y-yes?" Komi asked.

"You're going to the water park tomorrow right?" Y/n asked.

"Mhm." Komi hummed.

"Mind if I pick you up?" Y/n asked.

"I-u-uhm s-sure. W-why?" Komi questioned.

"I don't wanna get there and be alone, cause I'm more than likely gonna get there early, and there's also...the fact that I'm 10 billion percent sure Airi will be there...and I don't want to be stuck with her by myself. So I'll at least have you to distract me from punching a hole straight through her skull." Y/n explained.

Komi nodded, slightly disappointed. She was slightly hoping that Y/n would say so she and him could have more time alone. Times like these, where it's just him and her...

Quite romantic...

Komi blushed intensely at that.

What was she thinking?! Y/n is her friend!

'But, his personality!'

'Oh, his build!'

'He's so kind!'

'And gentle!'

'Stop it Shoko!'

Komi shook her head as Y/n pulled up to her house.

"Here we are! I'll be here to pick you up, just let me know when you're ready, you have my number." Y/n said.

Komi nodded and looked at Y/n.

"T-t-thank y-y-you." She said gently.

"Anytime." Y/n said.

He watched as Komi went in her house, and once her door closed after she took one last glance at him, he sped off...

Heading straight towards the base of the Tokyo Manji Gang.

Bursting through the doors.

"Where's Mikey?" He asked.

"In his office." Draken said. He was currently playing cards with Baji and Smiley.

"I win!" Smiley grinned.

"You cheated!" Baji groaned.

"Don't be a sore loser, Baji!" Smiley cackled.

Y/n marched to Mikey's office and knocked before opening the door.

"About time you got here." Mikey said.

"I drove a friend home but that's besides the point, you got anything?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, actually. He's currently in Korea, livin' it up. He's been sending letters to this address, and I decided not to open it and let you have the first peek." Mikey said, he handed Y/n the envelope, and he opened it roughly but not too rough.

Once he got the envelope off, there was 3 million yen in it, and the letter read;

"Here's your daily payment. Make his life hell and I'll give you more. Report back to me ASAP. And remember, if you get caught, burn these letters."

Y/n smirked even wider, he looked at the address and folded the paper in his pocket.

"So, he's sent out someone to haunt my life, eh?" Y/n chuckled.

"You want us to handle it? We've got his whereabouts-

"Nah, let me handle the minion first, then we can discuss snagging him next. I'll be back later." Y/n said.

Mikey nodded.

"We're here for you all the way. Remember that." Mikey said.

"I will. See ya." Y/n said and walked out of the office, and out of the base. He got in the car and drove to his house, he wanted to wait until this mystery person came to him, no sense in diving in when revenge was coming soon.

And soon was around the corner...

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