Lore: Great Beast of the Island

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-Griffin -

Symbol: Are Protectors/Guardians of the Island.

Connected: Earth and Nature

Animals (Family of animals): Felines, Canines, Bears, Hyenas, Weasels, main animals from the order of the Carnivora

Rarer Animals: Herbivores, insects, arachnids

Strength: Physical


Naturally strong, Vision of location (Can locate the next potential heir for the throne), Some can control the Earth, while others are plants. Can fly but needs training.

Rare Ability: 

The ability of Guiding is thought to rival the Angels magic. It rumors to


Territorial with other Griffins and Sphinx. Often considered friendly towards other creatures. Once a Griffin found a potential heir for the throne, they become very protective of them and don't leave them. However, relationships outside of friendships or family are rare, especially outside species.


Symbol: Royalty

Connected: Fire


Any species but rare outside the runs in the royal family. Generally, non-royal dragons are pureblood or smaller in size. Royal bloodlines dragons are also smaller in size.

Royals: Can be male or female

Strength: Magical (Elements)


Fireproof, fire-breathing, Some are rumored to live in waters as well as land. All can fly (even if no wings), Fast flyer, strong swimmer,

Rare Ability: 

Controlling fire at will


Neutral, but is known to be very protective of its territory. This is why all Rulers often represent the dragon as they are determined to protect the island and its subjects.


Symbol: Royalty

Connected: Fire and Wind


All species but rare outside the royal family. Non-Royals are either pure-blood or smaller in size. Non-current royals are also smaller in size.

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