Fun Facts 2

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Abundance of Nymphs, Fairies/Pixies, and Elves is another way that Panthera Regina is at peace.

Nymphs tend to hide in plant form or their born form of there is war.

2) Egypt

Elves are mechivous and enjoy to prank. When Elves that are born of birds and travel to the mainland. There been cases where they act like gods to the mainlanders. This is why Egypt has human animal gods.

3) Unlike the Greek myth of Nymphs. Panthera Regina version can be male but is often rarer.

4) Griffins are actually considered to be noble and the King of Beast, coming from an website that dives into mythical creatures lore

5) All Great Beast can look very different but are able to still breed.

6) There has only been one native person ruler on Panthera Regina. It only lasted one generation as the next animal was pick shortly after.

7) Iconically, Snow the Angel nickname is Little Star.

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