Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Jacob's POV

School is unbearable. I hate having to come here every morning so early. I mean who likes school? It's pointless and I'm so happy there are only four months until I'm out of this place for good.

I sit in math beside Isaac, us doing the usual which is not listening and ignoring everything the teacher is saying. I'm sure my parents would he mad if I didn't pass but that's not going to happen because I'm actually kind of good at math.

Then comes chemistry with Beau. He's smart so having a course like chemistry with him is perfect so that I can actually pass, especially when there is a partner project. He sits on the left side then the desks beside him are a girl named Alexandra, Olivia's best friend, who is the farthest away from me. It's another pointless class just working on a stupid project that Beau is going to get us good marks on anyways.

Lunch comes and we all make plans to hang out at Karman's after school. Something about talking about the bet and the rules of it and everything.

English is only fun because seeing Olivia's reactions to the way my friends and I actually is kind of fun. I know I should start being nicer to her because I need her to fall for me, but we aren't even friends anymore. I know I practically invited myself over on the weekend but I was bored and decides start 'mending' this 'broken friendship'.

The last class of the day goes by super slow because it is history. I don't know why I took it and I regret that decision every second I'm in class listening to my teacher talk about the crap of the past.

Soon the day is done and I get Isaac and Karman and we drive to Karman's house. The drive isn't far and soon we are parked in the driveway and our outer friends come driving in after us.
We all go get settled in Karman's huge basement and sit where we normally sit. I sit on a blue couch with Karman and Isaac on either side. Elaina, Owen and Joey sit on a Greek couch which is placed on the left of me. Across is a red couch and Beau, Lori and Lindsey sit there. The last one is a purple one on the right of me and it has Vanessa, Dustin and Christina. They are all set up on a square and it's perfect for when we want to have talks like this.

"Ok so we want to set some rules." Owen says.

"Rule number one." Isaac starts. "You only have until the end of the school year to make her fall for you. No longer." I nod.

"That makes sense because I probably won't see her after we graduate. I don't plan on coming back her after I leave." I tell them and they nod.

"Rule number two. You need to make her think that you and Karman broke up. So sadly for you two that means no public displays of affection and no being to close in classes you may have with Olivia. But whatever you do on your free time is totally fair game." Elaina explains and I look at Karman who gives me a wink.

"Rule number three. There are no feelings on your end of this." Karman says. "You are mine just remember that and I guarantee she can't do half the things I can so don't lose yourself baby." I take a gulp and nod. "Number four is that your aren't allowed to take her anywhere you wouldn't take me for dates."

"But you and her are so different, I mean she likes more intellectual things and you like more fun things."

"Well if it's something lame then I guess it'll be fine. Five no dates shall cost over $50." I feel like Karman isn't liking the idea of this bet anymore because she is just throwing all the rules at me.

"Six don't get her any gifts you wouldn't buy for me and seven no gifts will be over $25."

"Ok thank you Karman." Vanessa says stopping her from continuing. "Rule number eight you have to go on dates."

"Rule number nine kissing is allowed, no matter how against it Karman was." Dustin says and we all laugh but Karman's grip tightens.

"Ten, you must hang out at least once a week. If you want her to fall for you, you have to show interest and what better way than hanging out." Lori tells me. "And eleven you have to tell us everything."

"We want to know every detail." Christina speaks up.

"She's a lot different than us and it'll be super fun to hear the stupid things she says." Lindsey says.

"And lastly rule number twelve, no sleepovers." Joey tells me. "Karman said that this is the most important rule." I see Karman nod.

"Do you think you can do all this?" Beau asks and I nod. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nod again.

It'll be fun to play with her a little bit. Although Beau looks a little disappointed with my decision but I don't let it bug me.

We all hang out at Karman's for a while longer but soon it's time to head home. Once in bed I ponder on my decision. I keep remembering the way Beau asked if I was sure o wanted to do this and I don't know if I am sure. I'm going to do it no matter what though or else I'll never hear the end of it from my friends.

I can do it and it'll all be fine, or I at least hope so.

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