Chapter 32

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Chapter 32
Alex's POV

It's been a week since Beau asked me out and I'm still in that super happy 'oh my gosh I have a boyfriend' stage. I never in a million years would've guessed that a boy like him would like a girl like me. I sit in his room on his bed with his head in my lap, slowly stroking his hair. I look up at the TV and see SpongeBob playing. We are seriously like five years old, but I couldn't care less because it's nice to be here with him.

He shifts and sits up and looks at me as if he's contemplating telling me something, but I don't know what he Wold have to say. We sit like that for a few moments, just looking into each others eyes, neither of us saying a thing or wanting to break the silence that surrounds us. It's kind of a nice silence, not a totally awkward one where the both of you have things to say but neither of you know how to say it.

"Alex, there's something I need to tell you." He finally says.

"What is it?" I ask, not knowing what to expect.

"Well it's about Jacob and your friend Olivia." He responds and I instantly get super worried for my best friend.

Livvy is my best friend and if anything ever happened to her and there was  way for me to help but I didn't, I would never be able to forgive myself.

"What about them?" I ask him.

"Well my friend group is super stupid."

"That doesn't help me at all."

"Alex, before I tell you I need you to know that I had nothing to do with this."

"Beau, you're starting to safe me a little bit."

"Okay, but you need to promise that you won't totally freak out."

"Well I give you no promises because this is about my best friend." I tell him.

"Okay, well about three months back Karman and Issac had  super evil plan that they brought to the table." He starts to explain.

"Well what was it?" I ask him.

"They wanted Jacob to try and make Olivia fall for him." Je tells me and every inch of my body instantly fills with anger. "That was that day that they were all cheering like super loudly.

I think back to February, the day after Jacob had brought over the mail that had ended up at his house. She had looked so broken and hurt seeing him and watching him act so coldly towards her. The next night is when he came over, and I heard him but had pretended not to. I knew he was bad from the beginning, but had thought, had hoped that he had maybe changed.

"Does that mean that him and Karman never actually broke up?" I ask him.

"No, they're still together, but let everyone except for their friends think that they had broken up." He says as if not wanting to be associated with those people.

"So he was basically cheating on his girlfriend with Livvy?"

"This was mostly Karman's idea, and I'm pretty sure they're on the outs anyways." He explains.

"That isn't the point!" I shout at him.

"I know it isn't, and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner."

"Beau you should've told me when we started being friends! Livvy is my best friend and she has a right to know what a huge jerk Jacob really is."

We sit there in silence for a moment, but not a nice one like earlier. It takes all that's in me not to storm over to Jacob's house and call him out on what a jerk he is and how he shouldn't take advantage of a sweet, innocent girls love and hope of the two of them becoming friends again.

"Beau, I can't just not tell her, she's my best friend."

"I understand Alex."

"She needs to hear it from you."

"Why me?" He asks me.

"Because you're friends with him, because you were there when your friends made a horrible decision, because I'm her best friend and she wouldn't believe me." I explain.

"Why wouldn't she believe you?"

"Because I've never really liked Jacob. I've always had a bad feeling about him and she knows that."

"You're her best friend, you wouldn't lie to her."

"But she would think that I just don't want her to be with him because we didn't get along when we were younger, she wouldn't believe that something like this would actually be possible. The Jacob that has wanted to be friends again has been so sweet and she wouldn't believe it coming from someone who wasn't even there to actually hear how it happened. She'd want all of the details and I wouldn't be able to give her any."

"So you need me to tell her?"


"And say what?" He asks. "Oh ya Jacob was totally kidding and he actually still with him girlfriend who is a freaking lunatic and tried to kill your friend."

"That would work, but I don't think you should phrase it like that." I tell him.

"When will I even have a chance to tell her?"

"This weekend." I tell him and turn back to the TV.

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