Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Livvy's POV

"Livvy!" I hear my mom call from downstairs.

"What mom?" I yell back.

"Hurry up! It's almost time to go!" She tells me.

"I'm just packing the last few things." I shout and throw the last of my clothes into my suitcase.

I look around my room and sigh. So much has happened in the past few months and has kept my life pretty insane. First Jacob and then Karman being pregnant, which literally no one knows about still. There was that thing between Isaac and Karman, was that really a thing? Maybe it still is and no one has a clue. I look down at my nightstand and see the picture of Jacob and I still there. I walk over and put it down. I clench the necklace around my neck and I almost take it off but then decide not to.

I walk down the stairs lugging my giant suitcase behind me. Maybe this trip is exactly what I need. The grad trip is going to be great except for the fact that Jacob and Karman will be there and since I'm out of the way now they've gone back to their annoying amounts of PDA. My girls will be there with me though and they all know what happened so they'll help distract me because what are friends for?

"You ready to go sweetie?" My dad asks me when I walk into the kitchen.

"Ya, I think so." I tell him as I grab a cookie off the counter.

"Are you excited?" Mom asks me.

"Honestly, I don't know." I say.

"Why's that?" She asks.

"Just not that excited I guess." I reply avoiding telling her the many reasons I really don't want to go.

"Well I guess we should head out then." Dad says and we all get up to go get our stuff to leave.

Mom and dad drive me to the school since I won't be home for a week and they aren't going to just let me leave it at my school the whole time. I get there and see that a handful of people are already there, including all of my friends. I scan the crowd and sadly see Jacob with Karman attached to him like a leech. Hopefully mom and dad don't see that.

"Have a fun trip." Dad says as he takes my luggage out of the car.

"I'll miss you honey." Mom tells me as she gives me a big hug.

"I love you both. Have a good week." I say and they leave.

I walk over to my friends and see that Beau is there too with his arm around Alex, as well as Troy who is standing with Kris.

"Oh hey Livvy's here!" Exclaims Angel.

"Looks like you two worked out your issues." Mads points out.

"Yea, I realized what a bitch on was being towards her and I apologized." Angel tells them and puts her arm around my shoulder.

"Wait you apologized?" Talia asks us confused.

"I know I was as shocked as you when it happened." I tell the girls and they laugh.

"So now that we're all here, who's rooming with who?" Kris asks.

"Well, I'll go with Alex and Livvy, since I know they don't mind sharing a bed, and then I can have my own." Angel responds.

"Sounds good to me." Talia says.

"Alright, everyone time to go!" Shouts Mrs. Highland. "Everyone on the bus."

"Sorry Beau, but I'm stealing your girlfriend on the bus." I tell him.

"That's okay, I'll just sit with Troy since I know that Madison is going to steal Kristin from him." He explains.

We get onto the bus first so that we can get seats together and at the front since Talia gets car sick. Alex and I sit together with Kris and Mads in front of us and Talia and Angel in behind us. The boys sit in the seat across from Alex and I. The bus ride there is pretty great except for the fact that I can hear Jacob and his stupid friends being loud the entire time. I'm not trying to listen but every so often I catch something and a few times I even heard my name. I do but don't want to know what they're saying at the same time.

The long bus ride seems to take forever but soon enough we at the hotel that we are staying at for the week. Mrs. Highland calls out our names and gives us our room keys and luckily the six of us have two rooms right beside each other. When we go to our rooms to see them we even find out that they have a door that connects the two rooms, so it'll be like the six of us are sharing one big room. I'm actually really excited for this week and I'm really happy that I get to spend it with my best friends.

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