Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Jacob's POV

It's prom night and never in a million years did I think I'd be going with Livvy, the girl who was my best friend growing up, the girl who was repeatedly there for me, even when I messed up time after time. It's funny when you think about it. We're starting right where we left off, best friends, and now we're even more than that. She's the girl that I want to be with, and now that I am with her I couldn't be any happier.

I get my tux on and put on the dark blue tie that Livvy forced me to get, saying that it matches the colour of her dress, even through she has not yet let me see it. She said that she wanted it to be a surprise. But if it's on Livvy, I'm sure it looks absolutely stunning and her friends wouldn't let her get a dress that doesn't look good on her so I'm feeling pretty good.

Soon enough it's time to go to prom so I throw my stuff into my car and walk over to Livvy's making sure to not forget the corsage I got for her. I walk up to her doorstep and knock on the door. Almost immediately her parents open it, as if they were waiting for me, which I wouldn't be surprised about. I stand in the front hallway waiting for Livvy and soon enough she come walking down the stairs.

To say she looks beautiful would be an understatement. Her long blonde hair has been curled and put into an updo with a braided crown. She's wearing make up that she doesn't need because she's already gorgeous, but it still looks amazing. Around her neck is the heart necklace that I gave her all those years ago and she's wearing a pair of silver hoop earring. The dress she has on is absolutely stunning. Blue has always been a good colour on her and since she's so tall the long dress looks completely perfect.

"Wow, Livvy. I have no words. You look absolutely perfect." I tell her as I take her hand and she blushes.

"Thank you Jacob." She says and looks down at the ground.

"I got this for you." I tell her and place the corsage on her right wrist.

"It's beautiful, I love it." She tells me and gives me a kiss.

"Okay, picture time!" Exclaims her mom. "My little baby is all grown up!"

Her parents take about a million pictures before we are allowed to leave. They get pictures of the two of us together and separate. This must be his celebrities feel on a regular basis. We are soon able to leave and hop into my car to drive to the place prom is being held. As soon as we get there we find Livvy's friends and of course they have to take a ton of pictures as well. They do various arrangements of people and many different poses, some being goofy and others more serious. The smile on Livvy's face is absolutely perfect and makes her look even more beautiful than she already is.

We soon go inside and dinner is served. We eat our fair share, but not too much that we'll feel sick since it's still early in the evening. They do various awards and Livvy wins 'most likely to become a model' and I can't help but agree with that. I end up winning 'most loud' and everyone laughs when I get that one.

After all of the awards we get to go dance and Livvy quickly pulls me out to the dance floor. They play some fast song but then comes on a slow one. Livvy gets very close to me and I can help but feel like the happiest person in the world.

"Jacob?" I hear her say.

"Yes Livvy?" I ask.

"How did we end up here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean so much has happened in the last few years, and somehow we still ended up being friends and even being together."

"I just like the saying 'if it's meant to be, it'll happen'."

"Well I guess this is meant to be." She says and gives me a kiss. "You make me really happy Jacob."

"You make me happy too Livvy." I tell her and we go back to slow dancing.

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