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All of my life I was trained to do one thing, claim my title as the Boss of the families, the title I was born to receive. My life was planned down to the minute; train, take my rightful place as the Don, get married, and produce heirs.

I had only wanted one thing, to be a better man than my father. He was a despicable man, one forced into an arranged marriage to a woman he did not love. I knew I never wanted to be like my father, or to marry a woman like my mother, careless and malicious.

Once again Lucas Marchetti was on one, as we were sitting in my office eating lunch. Ever since he'd gotten married a few years back, he wanted everyone to feel what he had with his husband. But for some reason, it just seemed unrealistic,  almost unreasonable and not something I wanted, "You know the families have questioned why you have not yet taken a wife. You've had many options, Vincent. I've heard rumors that some are offended, that you think you're too good. Unhappy families don't bode well for anyone."

"I don't know why anyone cares. I have no need for a wife, besides, everyone knows how my father treated my mother. It would just be another bullshit circle that I'm not putting anyone through."

It was a well known story as to what had happened between my mother and father, the previous Don. Several years ago, my father killed my mother in a fit of anger, and then himself, leaving me behind to take care of the mess.

"If you took a wife, it would earn you more respect. A wife would offer stability, maybe even make you in a better mood most of the time. You're 29, maybe it's time to start thinking."

"A wife would be a distraction, nothing more than a burden. I can't do my job properly if I am
hung up on a woman, Lucas, you of all people understand this."

"Yes boss, I understand. But as your advisor I would recommend that you at least visit a couple of families, give an impression that you are open to finding a wife, that would keep them satisfied for while."

I stayed silent and he took it as his cue to continue talking, "Only a couple of the families have women who are available at this time, the Rossi's, the Sportelli's, the Longo's and the Gallos. There are some others who are not directly family whom have shown interest, but-"

"I have no interest in anyone outside of the families. Set up the dinners with each family, but do not expect me to pick anyone of them, now I am done having this conversation."

There was no way I'd ever pick a wife that was not from the families, people on the outside don't understand what this life entails. I would constantly be questioned, and I didn't want to spend the rest of my life explaining my every step.

I ran my hand over my face, and got back to work.


I know the prologue was short and boring, but it's needed to provide some background information! The chapters will be longer as we go along.

Thank you for reading:)

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