bonus-ezra's 21st

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I was driving my car, Donnie accompanying me in the passenger seat as we blasted the radio to an old Brittney Spears song.

A true 2000's icon.

We were on our way back home after a late night coffee run, and I was still buzzing from the fact that ten hours earlier I had woke up to find out Vincent bought me an island for my 21st.

We had such a busy day after that, meaning Donnie and I didn't get to do much together. Therefore we settled to visit a coffee shop a little ways from our house to decompress.

I was listening to Donnie sing the chorus, when I saw blue and red flashing lights in my rear view mirror.

oh fuck I can't get another ticket, Vincent may actually murder me.

This has been my third time in the last year getting pulled over, and while that may not sound like that many, I knew Vincent would try and confiscate my license once more, and I was not going through that again.

A young officer, probably about his early 20's walked up the to car with his flashlight, and pecked on my window. I rolled it down and smiled, but he interrupted me before I could talk, "License and registration."

Okay, straight to the point.

I'd been down this path before, so I got my stuff out and handed him the papers, which he ripped out of my hands, making Donnie scoff.

I let it roll off my back as he lowered his head down, "Are you aware of how fast you were going?"

I laughed admittedly a little embarrassed, "Oh, yeah I'm sorry, I was a little distracted."

"That shouldn't be the states problem," he shook his head and narrowed his eyes, "You were going almost 20 miles over the limit, and that's a misdemeanor offense. We'll have to take you in."

I frowned, "Are you serious?"

He smirked, obviously getting some weird power trip off this, "I'm afraid so."

Donnie spoke up next to me, his voice raised a few notches, "You're not sorry you prick, you're doing this on purpose asswipe, you're smiling!"

One thing led to another, so now both Donnie and I were sitting in a jail cell with the cuffs on way to tight, and the cop taking his sweet ass time letting me get my phone call. The minute he finally gave me the okay, I dialed Vincent's number and as soon as I heard his deep voice the tears started, "Vince?"

He spoke immediately, "Ezra, what's wrong? Why are you calling me from a different number?"

My tears fell even harder, "I was going over the speed limit, and I got pulled over," I choked again, "And the douche bag cop arrested Donnie and I."

The officer heard my insult, and hit his baton on the metal of the bars, making me jump slightly. Donnie began yelling again, and Vincent spoke, "Did that cop just do what I think he did?"

"Mhm," I wiped my eyes, and he spoke again, "Which station are you at."

I could tell he was restraining himself, and I didn't want to upset him so I tried to calm myself down, and speak without crying, "I'm in the sheriffs office right off central."

"Okay baby, let me talk to the officer."

I held the phone up getting the officers attention, "My husband wants to talk to you."

The officer rolled his eyes with a huff, and transferred the call to the phone connected to his desk, "Officer Greg speaking."

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