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I sat on the edge of the king sized bed waiting for him for what felt like hours, but I knew was only minutes.

Sitting in lingerie I didn't even want to wear, but Alice insisted that I had too. She told me what to do, wait for him in bed and let him come in and do whatever he wanted, that I was not to expect gentle. She told me it would hurt, so I knew that much. She also gave me a few different pointers, telling me to make some different sounds and do a couple of things, but told me it would only last a few minutes, so that made me feel better.

The longer I sat, the more fried my nerves felt. I was anxious, like a tense wire that was ready to snap at any moment.

What was he even doing? This is his freaking wedding night.

I needed my husband to come in here, I needed him to get it over with.

Husband. Weird.

I didn't have much time to cringe over the words, as I heard heavy footsteps coming closer to the room, making me stiffen. He entered through the door and didn't look surprised in the slightest to see waiting for him. Other than the fact that his jaw was so clenched I thought it might shatter, he barely even look interested.


I stood up, not really knowing what to do, and realized only then that I was crying. "I don't really know what to do, if you would just tell me-" He cut me off, going to a drawer and grabbing a teeshirt out and tossing it in my direction.

"We aren't doing anything. Get dressed."

Saying I was absolutely stunned was an understatement, and it clearly was written on my face. My jaw involuntarily slacked, and I took a deep breath while covering up with the giant teeshirt.

"Why?" I couldn't help but ask. No sex on a wedding night was not normal for the families, even someone with as little experience as I had knew that. But the Don not having sex on his wedding night? Unheard of.

I began to slightly internally panic. My father had demanded that I make my husband happy on our wedding night, happy whenever he wanted whether I wanted this or not. I was scared as to how he would react if he found out I deterred my husband on our wedding night. He'd be livid.

Vincent didn't hesitate, "I have no interest in raping my wife. Not on our wedding night, not ever."

I didn't answer, still stunned, so he kept going, "You obviously don't want to have sex. You're crying."

The panic fully seeped in, obvious turmoil  broadcasted on my face as I harshly wiped the tears off myself, willing myself to stop crying, and answered him, "I want to. I'll stop crying, just give me a second."

He takes a couple harsh steps in my direction until he stood directly in front of me, and studied my face for a moment. He lightly gripped my jaw to tilt my eyes meet his.

"I will only pleasure you after you willingly give your enthusiastic consent, not because you feel you have to."

He stood there for a couple seconds longer studying my face, "Do you understand, sweet girl?" He asked, and I harshly wiped my fallen tears. "Yes."

"Good. Now follow me," He motioned for me to follow him into the closet, giving me a pair of boxers that were several sizes too large.

"I apologize that I was not better prepared, but these will be fine for tonight. We will get you your own things soon."

Vincent let me bring a few items of clothes from my house, but not enough to fill the actual wardrobe that he had cleared for me.

I nodded my head once again and he gave his next instruction, "You can go shower, I have some things I need to speak with you about afterwards."

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