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When I woke up, it was to the feeling of small hands running through my hair, scratching my scalp in a way that relaxed my whole body. What fuck did I ever do to deserve her?

"Good morning, daddy." Ezra smiled down at me whilst giving my cheek a pinch.

While I had never put much thought into pet names before I met Ezra, I surely did now. The first time I ever heard her say it, I realized I liked it more than I should've. It was probably twisted, but the name sounded so fucking good whenever it left her mouth, I could've listened to her say it all day. It also helped that she seemed to like saying it as much as I liked to hear it.

"Good morning sweet girl." I answered, shifting my position on the bed so I was laying on top of her. I laid my head on her chest, my absolute favorite place in the world, and gripped her boob in my hand which caused her to flinch a little, making me chuckle, resulting her to let out a "not funny."

I groaned, "You gotta tell me the story of these piercings, baby."

I'd never expected Ezra to have her tits pierced when I had first met her. She was so shy and timid, and never in a million years would I have guessed. But when I saw the jewelry through her bra the night of our wedding, I legitimately could not get them out of my mind, so much so that I bought a couple different pairs that I needed to see on her, but was waiting for the right time.

"Not a huge story." She giggled, snuggling deeper into me, "I just wanted to do something for me, I guess, and obviously my father would never see them. So on my eighteenth birthday I went to a tattoo parlor and got them pierced. Why, you like em' or something?" She laughed.

I squeezed her boob, "Best fucking decision you've ever made."

"You know I married you, right?" She teased.

"What can I say, my wife has incredible decision making skills."

We laid like that for a few minutes, before I got into the shower while Ezra went downstairs to make coffee. I finish up in the shower, and did everything else I need to do before heading downstairs and meeting Ezra in the kitchen. She was standing there in front of the stove making what smelt like pancakes.

I went to stand directly behind her, bringing my arms around her torso and digging my face into her neck, placing kisses on her collarbones.

"If you don't want these pancakes to burn, I suggest you quit leaching on my neck." She chuckled, and I grinned. "Let them burn."

She dramatically rolled her eyes with a smile, but before she could speak, I asked, "How are feeling sweet girl?" While running my hand over the lower part of her abdomen.

"Sore. Everything, everywhere hurts. My legs, my arms, even my vagina is aching." She grumbles out, rubbing her hand over mine.

A smug grin took over on my face, "That's what I like to hear, sweet girl."

She flicked my forehead as she finished the pancakes, putting them on two separate plates and adding syrup and fruit before settling down on the counter and eating.

"Before I forget," I caught her attention, "I have some people coming over today to open the pool. Just let them in and take them out back, and write a check for how ever much it is. I told security they were coming but they may call you for confirmation."

"Okay, but doesn't the check need to be signed by you?" She questioned, putting a strawberry in her mouth.

"You're part owner of the account, so you can just sign your own name."

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