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Vincent didn't even hesitate as he threw a punch straight out and hit Martin right in the face.
Martin stumbled over and Vince grabbed the collar of his shirt and spit right into his face, and threw another brutal punch that made an awful crunching sound.

Lucas, Donnie and a few other guys I didn't know came closer, clearing out the bar. I couldn't move from my place on the floor, to stunned to say anything.

Donnie came straight down to me where I was clutching my arm trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working. I needed my husband.

Vincent was about to throw another punch to a knocked out Martin, but Lucas spoke first, "We got him Vincent, go to your wife."

He turned around to a random body guard, "Take him to the shed. I want him alive."

"Yes, sir." The man spoke, moving to drag out Martin's unconscious body.

Vincent made an immediate beeline for me, shooing away Donnie. Once Donnie let go of me, he noticed my red and bruised arm, checking it out making sure that I was okay.

"Are you good baby? What hurts?"

"I'm fine, I think my shoulder got pulled out of socket though." I nodded my head and Vincent picked me up carrying me in his arms, until we got into his car and went to the hospital.

The doctor had to put my arm back in its socket, which hurt like a bitch, but even more so when the staff tried to make Vincent leave the room.

The hospital tried to to kick Vincent out because he was acting like a bull in a china shop, threatening to kill the doctor and his whole family if he hurt me. Then doctor obviously had to put my arm back into place, which definitely hurt, making Vincent yank the doctor out of his chair, yelling terrible things at him.

He doctor tried another two times to put my arm back in place, but was too nervous with Vincent stalking around the room shouting at him.

So I took matters into my own hands.

"Vincent, take a chill pill and go to the waiting room, your working both me and the doctor up, and he needs to focus."

"I'm sorry baby, I'll be quite." He answered, running a hand down my back, glaring at the doctor.

Vincent stood there silently, as the doctor tried for a fourth time, but failing.

"Vincent just go to the waiting room. Your making him nervous."

He looked down at me, then back down at the doctor and narrows his eyes, "If you fucking make one wrong move with her, I'll hunt down every single family member of yours and skin them alive making you watch."

"Vincent!" I yelled out, making him leave.

The doctor took a deep breath before speaking, "Thank you. I couldn't hardly breath. He's just so, big."

I laughed in response, before he asked, "He's your husband, I'm assuming?"

"Yeah." I laughed out, "He's a little intense."

"He didn't do this, right?" The doctor questioned lowly.

"Oh god no, some dude yanked my arm at a bar. That's why he's so worked up right now, he's just a little freaked out."

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