sister pt. 2

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Alice had been here three days and I was ready to rip the hair out of my head, preferably Alices' hair but we don't always get what we want.

She had been too nice to me every time that we ran into each other, which resulted in me leaving for large portions of the day, hanging out with Donnie instead.

Usually a houseguest that was pleasant was a good thing, but when Alice was overly nice, offering to help with everything and complementing me, I knew something was off, and I didn't want to get into the middle of it.

because she has bad intentions, I just don't know what they are.

By the fourth day I was sitting on my laptop in the kitchen, when I head Vincent yelling out my name in a large, rough voice.

What the fuck is his problem?

"Ezra! Ezra where the fuck are you!?"

"I'm in the kitchen." I called back.

Who does he think he is speaking to me like that?

Vincent came storming in with Alice right on his coattails, "Your sister just came into my study and tried to fuck me!" He said the words louder than he's ever talked to me, and I knew he was worked up.

"I did not! Vincent called me in to try and show me something, and then he tried to make a move and when I rejected him and he went crazy!"

I looked between the two of them, "Why the hell can you not get it through your thick skull that my husband doesn't want you? I didn't steal him from you, you were never his! Vincent wanted me the second we met, you were not in any of the consideration Alice, my God!

"Oh whatever I-"

"Tell her Vincent."

He looked at Alice, "I had zero intention of marrying you. I only went to the Gallo house as a formality, it had nothing to do with you. I would have never chosen you, Ezra or not."

Alice looked back over toward me, "You're lying!"

"I'm done!" I angrily spit out, "Get out of my house, out!" I yelled, making my way toward the stairs to go to her room and grab her things, but before I could step on the first step Alice yelled out toward Vincent, "She can't even give you kids the right way!"

I turned around, and Alice continued, "You can't even have a baby in the natural way, Ezra, that's the one thing you should be able to do! And you can't even do that for him."

What is it with everyone thinking Vincent didn't want to marry me, my god. Do they think I forced him? I smiled. "Yeah and he still chose me, so stay mad about it."

"Vincent doesn't care that I can't have kids. And for my own sister to throw that up shows the truth about you. You're a classless, nasty bitch who tried to sleep with her sisters husband. I want you to contemplate that while your sleeping under the freeway with all the other unwashed and homeless."

Alice began to open her mouth for a rebuttal, i'm sure, but I held out my hand to stop her words, "You have two minutes to get your shit from my house or I'm calling security to come in here and execute you."

Alice reluctantly went up the stairs, and Vincent turned to me opening his arms, and I laid my head on his chest as he spoke out soothing words, "I've said it before and I'll say it again, you know I'd never cheat on you baby."

"I know." I spoke in a calm voice, "That was never in question, I just can't believe she'd say that to me y'know?"

"I'll kill her if you want me too?" He offered.

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