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A week had passed since I gotten my sling taken off, and while I did still have some pain and lingering bruises, I pretty much felt okay.

Vincent had taken a couple days off work to stay with me, but he started driving me slightly nuts with his worries, therefore I encouraged him to go back to work soon after.

We had heard nothing more from my dad. I assumed he knew by now that Martin was dead and probably spilled the beans, so we figured he would try to lay low for the time being.

But after getting home from the doctors appointment to check my shoulder, I was sat on the counter top while Vincent cut me a bowl of fruit.

We had previously been in the media room watching a movie when my stomach sounded like a baby whale, so Vincent dragged me into the kitchen demanding that I eat.

My cheeks grew red at the thoughts that were swirling through my mind, there was something about watching Vincent's thick back muscles move while he was cutting my fruit, that just made me want to, I don't know, jump his bones.

He turned around and caught me staring at him as my face flushed a dark shade of pink, "Why're you turning pink, baby?" He questioned with a goading smile.

I rolled my eyes internally, brat.

"I asked you a question." He demanded from above me, holding my face in his palm, "What are you thinking about, hm?" He asked lowly as his eyes made their way down to my lips.

He placed a chaste kiss on the corner of my mouth, and I tried to move his mouth to meet mine, "Words, baby."

"Vincent." I deadpanned, slowly getting frustrated.

He knows what I want, he's just being a brat about it

He smiled, "I know, baby, but I want to hear you say it."

I figured I should just be bold, "Remember what you made me promise to tell you? About when I was, y'know, ready?"

"Mhm." He confirmed, moving his mouth down to my jaw.

"Well do I got some news for you." I joked up at him with a smile.

That was all the confirmation he needed as he picked me up from my place on the counter, and carried me to our room, kissing along my neck in the process.

We got into our room and Vincent planted me on my feet, his hand intertwining with mine.

"You ready?" He asked, his free hand cupping my cheek.

"Yes, daddy." I replied, smiling smugly up at him, and he squeezed my face in return.

Vincent reached down to the place where my shorts and shirt reached, rubbing my lower stomach, before bringing his hand up slowly.

He reached for the bottom of my shirt, tugging it off and pushing me onto a sitting position on the edge of the bed before kneeling in front of me. He reached his hands out to cup my breasts that were confined in a bra that I wanted off immediately.

He slowly ran his fingers under the straps on my shoulder, and moving his fingers down tracing the outline of the cups, teasing me.

"I've noticed your a boob man." I taunted looking down at him, holding the back of his head while scratching his scalp lightly.

"It helps that you have fantastic tits. I can't wait to see how they look with my cum all over them."

I drew in a breath at his dirty words, tugging on his hair. He dragged a single cup down with his finger, before licking a long, slow streak up my nipple, then blowing some cold air on it. He ever so slightly began running the tip of his nose over my hard nipple, again and again, teasing me. He let go of the cup, and gave my other one the same treatment for a few minutes, before taking both his hands, and gripping the middle part where the bra connects in the front, and ripped the fabric apart.

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