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I got home from work about as late as I expected, walking into my house and making my way into the kitchen. I noticed that Ezra had left some kind of pasta and cheese bread out for me, so I put it in the microwave to warm it up and sat at the island to eat.

I didn't expect her to greet me at the door, it had only been a couple of days, but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to hold her, and hear her soft voice after a long day of dealing with bullshit at work.

Although the thought of a wife usually had me pissing my pants, the reminder of it being little Ezra made it feel better, made it feel right.

One thing I didn't know before was that I was a cuddler, I had always hated when people would touch me, but when I saw Ezra standing there on our wedding night, I couldn't help it, I needed to touch her, see what she felt like in my arms. So consider me surprised when I wake up on the comfiest pillow I'd ever slept on, finding it to be the sweet one I call my wife.

I finished eating, and washed my plate before heading into our bedroom fully expecting to see Ezra lying in our bed asleep, but she was not there.

Where the fuck was she? I gave her explicit instructions that she sleep in this bed.

I shook my head, and got into the shower. I figured that if Ezra did not want to sleep in the bed with me, I wouldn't force her too. I mean, I knew she was in the house, I had a gated fence and several men watching guard 24/7, they would've alerted me if anyone had come in or out. She wanted to be petty for the night? I'd let her.


I didn't see my wife for five days.

I knew she was still in the house, every morning there was coffee ready, breakfast made, lunch packed, and even dinner ready when I got home.

I wanted to look around, find her and confront her, scold her for disobeying me, but I didn't, until five days had passed and I still hadn't seen the person who occupied every thought that passed through my fucking skull.

So I decided to wake up earlier, demand to know why she had been avoiding me, and fix it. So now I was sitting in the kitchen, looking at the clock.

5:30am. Fuckin' Fantastic.

Finally, at 5:50, a sleepy Ezra walked around the corner, wearing my sweatshirt and sweat pants.

Fuck, I forgot to get her clothes. I need to get on that. But she looks so fuckin' adorable in mine.

She looked startled to see me, immediately rambling out, "I-I'm sorry if I woke up too late, I'll make your breakfast right now-"

I interrupted her mid-sentence, "Where have you been?"

She stuttered for a second before regrouping, "Um, here. I didn't leave the house. I promise."

"Care to tell me why I haven't seen my wife in five fuckin' days?" I demand, my eyes not leaving hers.

I could tell she was taken aback at my tone of voice, but I was frustrated and needed to understand why she had been avoiding me.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't really think you'd care. I did as you asked, I made your food and your coffee, and stayed out of your way."

"Stay out of my way?" I parroted back, and she shrugged, "You told me to stay out of your way."

My tone softened as I heard her words. So, she wasn't upset with me. She took my words literally. Okay, I can work with this. She didn't seem the type, but I just didn't want a stage five clinger suctioned to me at every turn.

And honestly? I'd forgotten I said it.

"I apologize for my poor choice of words, sweet girl." I told her. "It will not happen again."

She nodded her head, and I narrowed my eyes, "Where out of my way were you?"

She took a second to answer, her already small voice turn even smaller. "The library."

My brows furrowed in confusion, "Why the library?" It was old, dusty, and not a suitable place for sleep. She shrugged, not meeting my eyes.

"Words, Ezra."

"I like to read." She said in such a low voice I almost missed it. It took me back to the first day I met her, she was reading a book, and her father mentioned in disgust that she was a book worm, so it didn't surprise me the girl liked to read. But why did it scare her to say it out loud? Then it clicked.

"Your father didn't like you to read." It was a statement, with an answer I already knew.

She immediately shook her head, "No."

I blew out a breath I didn't know I was holding, running my hand down my face, before responding, "You may read as much as you want here, sweet girl. But you will always sleep in our bed. Understood?"

She nodded in response, looking slightly embarrassed, but I continued, "What type of books do you like to read?"

She looked stunned, I'd guess no one ever asked her that, "I'll read anything, I guess."

"I didn't ask that, I asked what you want to read."

She hesitated for a moment, "I, uh, I like to ready autobiography's, and murder mysteries mostly."

"I'll keep it in mind." I told her, a sudden weight lifted off my chest knowing she's not upset with me anymore.

I didn't dwell on it too much, but instead focused on our evening plans, "I'll be home in a couple hours, we have a charity gala to attend tonight. I have someone coming to help get you ready, and to get you a dress, okay?"


"And Ezra?" I directed at her.

"Hm?" She answered.

"Don't ever do that again."

She just nodded her head.


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