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I was sitting in my office, not able to concentrate on the paperwork sitting on the desk in front of me. My mind kept drifting, in three days I would be a married man. I was set to pick up Ezra Friday, and then go to the courthouse to elope, and then afterward, a small reception that only a small number of people had been invited too.

I figured she wouldn't want a huge wedding, after all we weren't in love, and she seemed pretty shy.

I decided that I would give her one later if that's what she wanted.

I rid my head of the stupid thoughts, when I heard a knock at my door. I yell out a 'come in' and Lucas Marchetti strides in.

"Well, well, fucking well." Lucas laughed,
plopping down on the couch in my office, "I've heard through the grapevine that my man, Vincent, is engaged? Wonder who started that rumor." He chuckled out, shaking his head.

There has been several rumors spread before that I'd been engaged, or secretly in love with a maid or some stupid shit like that. And in turn, Lucas had an obsession with taunting me with said rumors, but this time, they were true.

David Gallo must've told the rest of the families, fuckin' pig

And although I wanted too, there was no point to lie, "I am."

His face fell as he sprung up from the chair, "What? To who!?"

"Ezra Gallo."

A sly grin appeared on his face, "Wait a minute, you met her that night, didn't you, you sly dog?" He grinned, pointing at me.

I frowned, "Watch your mouth, you will not speak like that again."

Hearing him talk that way about Ezra made a surge of anger flare through me, accompanied by a sudden need to wrap my hands around his neck, but I held myself back.

He threw his hands up in a mock surrender, "When were you planning on telling your best friend?! Why didn't you tell me, I don't know, in the car ride home minutes after your proposal?! We were in the car for almost half an hour!"

"I was still processing."

"Why did you even do it? I thought you were just meeting as a formality?"

I sat there for a second, processing the question a hundred times over. There was no real explanation as to why I asked her, I just did without even thinking. I just knew I needed her to be my wife.

"You told me I needed a wife, so I picked a wife."

He gave me a smug smile, obviously seeing right through me, because no one has ever told me what to do, "Well? When's the wedding?"

"I decided we wouldn't have a wedding, just going to elope. We are having a small reception afterward that you and Donnie are invited to."

"Donnie's gonna flip, he'll think we were hiding this from him," he laughed and shook his head, "No wedding, just the courthouse?"

"It's a business transaction, not a real wedding, I don't think she'd even want anything like that."

"Wow man, I'd never thought I'd see the day!" He laughed, sliding his hand over his face. "You got a ring yet?"

"Yeah." I replied, opening a desk drawer and pulling out the small box that I had stared at for hours over the past few days instead of doing my actual work.

I went back and forth on what to get, not really knowing what she liked, so I stuck with simple, because I didn't foresee her liking flashy things. I picked a slender golden ring with a large oval diamond in the middle, with a matching band. In the same box, there was a larger, thicker gold ring that was mine.

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