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It had been a few days since my father died, and Vincent and I slowly but surely had gotten back into the groove of things.

First off, we had to make sure my dad wasn't lying like I though he was about killing Alice.

But it turned out, he was telling the truth. Alice was found dead the night my father died, the coroner said it happened only a few hours before my father.

I wasn't 100% sure why David Gallo did it, and it's not like I could've asked him. My guess was he felt she was a loose end, and he despised lose ends about as much as Vincent hated touching.

As for Donnie, he was back home and feeling better. Luckily nothing was terribly wrong, just some minor bruising and a couple of stitches here and there.

I wanted so badly to go visit him, but Vincent told me he needed to rest, so talking on the phone had to do for the time being.

So now, Vincent, Barbie and I were snuggled in the theater room, watching some horror movie Vincent had to watch, even though I protested at every phase of the putting-on-the-movie process.

Vincent spoke only a few minutes into the movie, "I called the doctor today. We have an appointment tomorrow to see about IVF."

What is up with him and his love for blurting out important/horny stuff?

"You excited?" I asked, turning over to him, and he looked down at me, "I've never been more excited for anything else my whole life."


A few weeks later I was talking on the phone with Donnie, "It turns out we have to put these shots in my stomach every day for like a month, then we go back in and they fertilize my egg with Vincent's sperm, then they implant it in me."

"Gross, Ez, I don't want to hear about Vincent's sperm and your eggs." He laughed and I continued, "You're fine you big baby." I exclaimed, "Oh, god, and Vincent has been doing this thing where he calls the fertility treatments 'fertilizer'."

"Where's my little plant at, she needs some fertilizer." Vincent laughed for the 100th time at the same joked he's made every day for 3 weeks.

It was funny the first day, not so much every one since then, "I'm hoping you want to die, because I'm actually going to murder you if you make that joke again."  I deadpanned.

Vincent just smiled, "Oh, is my little cactus feeling a little prickly today?"

"Oh that's actually kind of cute," Donnie cooed.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey I gotta go, Vincent's been trying to get me off the phone for ten minutes now." I rolled my eyes.


A week later we were at the doctors office, sitting in the waiting room when the nurse called out, "Vincent Bruno."

Vincent stood to his feet, "Can I bring my wife in with me?"

"Unfortunately we do not allow significant others in the deposit room, because of bacterial cross contamination." She explained, and Vincent bent down to whispered in my ear, "I'll be thinking of you the whole time." As he pulled away with a wink.

I smiled at him and rolled my eyes as he left to give his baby making sample. A minute had passed and I got a text from Vinnie, "Send me a gift."

One thing I realized, was that Vincent loved reviving dirty pictures. Everyday at work, he'd text me a minimum of once, asking for me to 'send him a gift', which was just his code word for a picture of my boobs.

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