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All of us sat around the large circular table in a secluded room, scanning the menu debating on what to order. Vincent held my hand under the table, as I fiddled with the wedding ring on his left hand.

The waiter came and took our drink orders, and Vincent ordered us what I assumed to be an expensive bottle of wine. They brought everyone their drinks, sitting a wine glass in front of me, filling it part of the way up. I looked up at Vince, "I've never drank alcohol before." I told him, and he gave me a slight grin, "You can have some if you'd like, or I can order you something else instead."

I told him I was fine, and reached out to try the contents in the glass, and found that it actually tasted pretty good.

We ordered our food and I wasn't speaking much, my attention focused on Vincent's hand that had moved from my hand, to the top of my thigh, rubbing light circles and squeezing every so often. Vincent maneuvered my skirt until his fingers reached the side of my panties, running a finger along the outline. I gripped onto to his arm as a warning, and looked up at him to see he was already watching me, smiling so subtly I almost missed it.

Surprising even myself, I slightly spread my legs as a silent go, causing him to inhale a deep breath and look straight forward, acting like he was paying attention to whatever Lucas was rambling on about.

I didn't even think he was going to continue, until after a few seconds I felt him move his finger into my panties, running his middle finger down and back up, stopping at my clit and moving in small tight circles, making me clench as he whispered lowly, "Don't make a fucking sound."

After a minute, I felt familiar feeling of my orgasm, my thighs clenching onto his hand to keep it locked there. I grabbed onto the edge of the table to steady myself, but but Donnie spoke out capturing my attention, "Ezra?!" He snapped his fingers, "Ezra? Did you hear me?"

Vincent stopped moving his finger, and I had to recenter myself for a split second. I just got fingered in this restaurant.

My eyes shot to donnie's and I coughed out a, "Oh, sorry. What did you say?" Which made Vincent chuckle in return. Brat.

"I asked if you guys wanted to go to Lorenzo's after this?"

I looked up at Vincent who let out an, "It's up to you."

Oh great, now that I'm all discombobulated let me make the decisions.

"I don't know, we'll have to see on that one." I told him, my flaming cheeks finally cooling down. After a minute, Vincent place my underwear and skirt back in its place, and moved his hand to let it rest on my thigh. I looked up at him, letting him know with my eyes know that would never happen again, and he rolled his eyes back at me.


Three hours later we were all still sitting at the table, laughing too loudly, and the only difference was I had 4 glasses of wine, and a whole lotta pasta.

Donnie and Ella had a little to much to drink as well, but it was my first time drinking and I weighed significantly less than man sitting next to me. Donnie was in the middle of trying to tell a joke, keyword being trying, which was making me laugh out at an abnormal volume.

I think I'm being loud.

I look over at Vincent who was smiling down at me, and I give him a sheepish smile in return. I look over and Ella is sitting on Alex's' lap, making out with him. I need to do that.

So I moved closer to my husband, settling on his lap, capturing his lips with mine. He indulged me for about a minute, before pulling away and whispering, "Okay little wife, it's probably time to get you home and into bed."

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