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I was sitting in the theatre room catching up on the bachelorette, snacking on my favorite cookies with Barbra.

'Barbra' was the name we had finally picked out for our cat, but she went by nicknames such as 'Barbie' and 'Barb', but Barbie fit her best because she was a total drama queen.

"Oh come on!" Vincent groaned, "She totally takes after her mother."

"You better be referring to her biological mother and not me." I replied as I give him a glare.

"She's a total drama queen just like you!" He laughed, "Both my girls are little drama queens, but I wouldn't have it any other way." He confirmed.

"Now you're just kissing ass." I deadpanned.

"No, but I will if you ask me nicely."

"Vincent." I scoffed.

"Okay, you don't even have to ask nice." He rolled his eyes, making a move to pull down my shorts.

Barbie was chilling on my chest when my phone rang, so I paused the movie and answered, "Hello?"

"It's Devin from the front gate. The pool maintenance crew is here and I was looking for confirmation to let them in."

Vincent never told me that the pool crew was coming today, so maybe it slipped his mind? He's been pretty busy lately since Lucas has been taking some time off in preparation for the baby that was due at any time.

"Did you try to call Vincent?" I asked.

"We did but he didn't answer."

"Maybe don't let them in." I decided.

Even if Vince forgot to tell me he hired their services, he could schedule for them to come out another day. It was better safe than sorry.

"Yes ma'am." He answered.

I got up from my reclined position and ventured to the kitchen to get myself a bottled water, and when I was passing the front windows a moving object caught my eye, and I saw a pool cleaning van pulling up the drive way.

"What the-?" I whispered as I moved to lock the front door, dialing the security office at the end of the drive way. It rung a couple of times but one was answering.

I saw the Van park as I pulled up Vincent's contact, and I saw three men in all black climb out of the van. I started running upstairs, scrambling to click on Vincent's number.

It rang a few times before he picked up, "Ezra baby I'm in a meeting, I'll call you in a little bit."

I didn't give him the chance to hang up, "Someone's in the house."

"Wait a second, what the fuck do you mean someone's in the house?"

"I saw a van driving down the drive way and I called down to security and no one's answering!" I whisper shouted into the phone, as I made my way into a spare bedroom.

"Ezra, baby you gotta hide, okay? I'm on my way, but you need to hide."

"I am." I cried. "I'm in a spare bedroom in the closet, but I hear them downstairs."

Vincent & EzraWhere stories live. Discover now