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Just as Vincent had said, a couple hours after he left, an older woman dressed in an exotic outfit that was several different patterns arrived at the house with a smile plastered on her face, and holding a few different bags,

"Hi!" The woman greeted, "You must be Ezra, it's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Kathy, a longtime friend of the families!" She introduced herself, and I smiled shyly, "Hello. Likewise." I answered awkwardly, cringing as this was my first conversation in a week that didn't consist of my husband grunting back demanding responses.

She brushed off my awakes response, and let out a chocked laugh, "Those guards outside don't mess around!" She joked, taking off her coat. "Basically wanted me to squat and cough!" She laughed out, making me laugh in return.

She reached out to touch my face, "Oh my, you are just as beautiful as Vincent described you sweetheart!"

I couldn't help but blush at the thought that Vincent found me pretty, but also at the fact that he told other people that I was.

Of course he finds you pretty, you idiot, he married you.

I cleared my head of the thoughts, "Thank you!" I gushed sincerely. "You are very beautiful yourself."

"Oh now you stop that!" She giggled, "You ready to have that husband drooling by the time he sees you?"

"Like that'll happen!" I joked. But the thought that Kathy seemed to think he would, made me think that Vincent had led people to believe he likes me more than he does.

"Ready to try on these dresses?" Kathy was beaming with excitement, and I tried to match her enthusiasm. I ended up trying on several different dresses, but settled on black floor length dress that had thin spaghetti straps showing off a slight amount of cleavage.

Not that I had much to begin with.

Kathy had lightly curled my light hair, and pined half of it back, then applied a light makeup, which is what I had picked since I'd never worn makeup a day in my life.

I had always wanted to, Alice and I both did, but our father demanded that his daughters would never look like whores while living under his roof. So we never got the chance too.

Makeup had nothing to do with being a whore, but okay.

I wonder if Vincent felt the same about makeup, would he think I was a whore trying to seduce him? You're not a whore for seducing your husband, and being a whore isn't a bad thing, I reminded myself. I quickly brushed away the thoughts when I heard a firm knock on the door, knowing it to be Vincent.

"Come in!" Kathy hollered, as she was brushing out my curls with a wide tooth comb. Vincent walked in with his suit jacket hanging over his arm, face stoic as it usually was, until we made eye contact through the full length mirror that I was standing in front of. He took his time trailing his eyes all the way down my figure, and I watched him the whole time. I couldn't help the shiver that ran through me.

I felt something very unfamiliar course through my veins, but I needed to stop because Kathy was standing about two feet to my right, a smile so large taking over her whole face that I assumed it had to hurt. I needed to stop staring before I jumped his bones.

Jump his bones? Who am I?

"Kathy. Leave." Vincent ordered out, face unmoving, and eyes never leaving mine.

Kathy didn't look even the slightest offended, and her smile faltered not one bit as she reached out to hug me, "Goodbye, thank you so much for the dress and everything. I really appreciate it, Kathy."

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