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For the past several hours, Vincent had been cooped up in his study, doing whatever it was he did in there. At first I decided I wasn't going to bother him, just let him come out when he was done. But then I figured he was probably hungry, so I opted to just make him a late lunch.

"What are you doing in here pretty girl?" He asked as he pulled back from his desk, opening his lap for me, motioning my forward with his finger. "I figured you might be hungry." I told him, sitting down his plate on the desk, and claiming my seat on his lap.

He quirked an eyebrow as his hands went to my waist, "That's the only reason?"

"I also missed you, I guess." I teased, rolling my eyes with a smile.

"I've only been in here a few hours." He answered back.

I quirked an eyebrow, "Am I not allowed to miss my husband?"

He gripped onto my waist harder, "How much did you miss him, hm?"

I decided to forgo an actual response, and brought my lips down to his, kissing him slowly. After a moment, I made the executive decision to climb off his lap, sinking down onto my knees in front of him. I looked up at him and let out a sly smile, reaching up to unbutton his pants, and yanking down the zipper. He helped me out, slightly pulling down his pants and boxers, letting his dick fall out.

He ran his hand through my hair and along my scalp, while admiring my face, "My little wife, looking so pretty on her knees." He soothed, as I ran my thumb over the tip of his penis back and forth a few times, eliciting a groan out of him.

I decided to tease him a little, sticking my tongue out beginning to suck the tip, when a loud sturdy knock sounded on the door, making me yank me head back, knocking it under the desk with a loud thud, "Ouch."

Vincent and I both reached our hands out to grab my head, and he started rubbing soothing circles while he shouted out, "What the fuck do you want?"

A grounds security guard opened the door and walked in, "There is a visitor outside who's not on the list asking for Mrs. Brunos. License say's her names Allison Gallo."

"Alice!?" I practically yelled, quickly covering my hand over my mouth as my face reddened in embarrassment. Now all of grounds security is gonna know I was blowing Vincent in his office. Great.

Vince told the grounds security guard to go back outside, letting him know he would call the front gate to update them.

"Do you want to let her in or tell her to fuck off?"

I could think of zero reason for Alice to be here that did not involve my father. We left on a bad note, Alice still pissed that Vincent wanted to marry me and not her, so I was curious as to the reason she suddenly appeared.

"She's probably here on behalf of my dad." I told Vincent.

"Want to hear her out? It's up to you."

"You think we should?"

He shrugged, "I think it may give us more insight on the situation, it couldn't hurt."

"Let her in then."

Vincent pulled his pants back up and helped me stand up from my place under the desk, kissing the top of my head. We made our way out of the study and to the foyer where two body guards were standing with Alice who had her suitcase.

her suitcase?

"Oh Ezra!" She yelled out, reaching out to hug me and Vinnie instantly grabbed the back collar of my shirt, pulling me away from her and into his chest.

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