gala pt. 2

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I usually wasn't a violent person. I had patience for plenty of things, and didn't usually resort to murder as an option.

But sitting on a stool, waiting for Vincent, it was all I could think about. Murder for the stupid guy who knocked on the stupid door, making Vincent instantly pull back into his stupid, stoic face.

The man who knocked didn't enter the room. He stood in the doorway whispering to Vincent, and after a few seconds, he nodded his head and shut the door, harshly clenching his jaw.

Well that really killed the mood.

"I have to go take care of something, it will just be a few minutes. Let's go."

I nodded my head, slightly freaking out. Vincent was a quite and calm man, but even now I could tell something was bothering him. I wasn't going to outright ask him in the middle of an issue what was wrong, because there was more pressing matters, and he would tell me what I needed to know.

He led me out of the room to the bar and picked me up by the waist, and sat me on a stool with strict instructions to "Not move a single inch."

So now, sitting on a stool, contemplating murder, I felt the presence of another person beside me. I ignored them for a minute, feeling the burning stare on the side of my face that I couldn't handle, but faltered when I heard the cheesiest pickup line in all of history.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing sitting here all by herself?"

Oh so this unwanted visitor can speak? Great.

I chuckle internally at my joke as I looked beside me and saw a man, more like a boy compared to Vincent, staring straight at me. I almost wanted to laugh, this kid is delusional. I scoffed, "Get lost."

"Oh, come on. That's no way to talk to a man. Let a handsome man buy a beautiful girl a drink."

If he thinks he's a man, he's going to poop his pants when he sees Vince.

I flashed him my wedding band and ring with a smug smile, "I think I'd rather my handsome husband buy me one."

Did kissing Vince give me nerves of steel or what? I'd usually never talk like this.

"So what m, You saying is that your husband can't take a little competition, huh?" He barked out a heinous laugh, "Doesn't know how to fight or something?"

I let out an audible laugh this time, "My husband will dog walk you, so please remove yourself from my personal space."

He seemed to completely skip over my words, making a move to put his hand on my thigh and giving a very firm squeeze, "Oh c'mon, don't be such a cunt, I don't even see your 'husband'-"

He was interrupted by a deep, menacing voice, "Turn the fuck around and you'll see him."

As soon as the douche sitting next me turned his head, Vincent as quick as lightening punched him in the face, knocking him off the stool and onto the ground beside me with a thud.

Vincent stood tall over the nameless douche, and I could see the panic on his face as he started laughing hysterically, before briefly looking up at me, eyes pleading to make him stop, "Oh my God, Don Bruno. No harm right? I wasn't being serious-"

"You're telling me you weren't being serious after you touched my wife? After you put your fucking hand on her? You don't even deserve to breath the same air as her, let alone touch her." He gritted out.

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