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When I woke up the next morning, I was expecting to feel the usual 230 pound body lying on top of me, squashing my ribs into my lungs, but found that I was actually laying on top of a warm, hard chest. It took me a few seconds to come too, but when I finally opened my eyes, Vincent spoke lowly down to me, "Happy birthday, sweet girl."

I smiled up at him, "You remembered."

"Mhm." He confirmed with a hum, "I got a couple of gifts for you too, but I decided I'd give you one right now, yeah?"

I furrowed my brows, as I looked around for a gift, but he just let out a smirk as he made his way down my body, pulling off the spandex that I sleep in, "No panties huh? Feels like it's my birthday." He grinned, rubbing his knuckle over my bare center. "So wet, sweet girl."

Vincent took his time eating me out, a mix between sucking on my clit and doing that thing he does with his fingers that makes me want to burst instantly, then leading me downstairs to show me the extravagant things he did.

There was a large 'happy birthday' banner placed along the kitchen wall, paired with a few balloons. Sitting on the counter was a bouquet of flowers, a large tray of chocolate covered fruits, and a stack of hardcover books. He knows me so well.

"Vincent, when did you do all this?" I asked looking up at him with a large, uncontrollable smile.

He placed his hand on the back of my head, massaging it, "After you fell asleep last night I got some decorations set up, and this morning I had the rest delivered."

"You didn't have to do any of this." I told him, as tears filled my eyes.

"None of that today," he demanded, picking me up and planting me on the counter as he grabbed my face, using his thumb to wipe my tears, "I wanted to do all of this for you, my love."

I reached my hand up to encase his hand that was resting on my face, and maneuvered his ring up his finger while admiring the small lettering, giving it a kiss.

"Before I forget." He mumbled, while opening a drawer and pulling out a small velvet box that read 'Cartier'.

"You didn't." I smiled widely, which made him chuckle, "You don't even know what's in there."

I rolled my eyes as I opened the box and saw it was a pair of dainty gold hoop earrings, littered with small diamonds, "It matches my ring." I smiled at Vinnie who replied, "Mhm. Matches your necklace too."

"Necklace?" I questioned.

Vince pulled out another matching velvet box, which made me groan even harder, "Vince, stop."

"You don't even know what's in there. It may just be a peanut." He smiled down at me.

I rolled my eyes, opening the box and saw a golden necklace that matched my rings and earrings, "These are too much."

Vince scratched the back of his neck, "If you seriously don't like them, we'll return them-"

"Vincent, I'm actually in love with them." I confirmed.

"Is that the only thing you're in love with?" He questioned.

I scratched my head in mock confusion, "Yeah I think so?"

"Not funny." he answered, and I pulled him in for a kiss, pulling away barely a centimeter before telling him, "I love you very much, Vince. No one's ever done anything like this for me, looks like you took my birthday virginity too!" I laughed out, casing him to smile and kiss me again.

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