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There was approximately 5,600 milliliters of blood in the adult human body, and I felt like I was looking at all 5,600 milliliters while staring at my dead father lying motionless the floor.

I reached a hand up and felt the sticky warm texture that was coating my face and neck, and when I pulled my hand away, realized I was covered in blood.

The moment I realized, I was so stunned that I didn't even react. Then, after fully adjusting to what had happened three feet in front of me, I felt so sick to my stomach, with an overwhelming urge to throw up.

I fell to my knees as I started coughing and gagging, and realized that nothing was coming up. My vomit felt like it was stuck in my throat, and Vincent must've noticed as well, and with one hand he held the back of my head, using his other hand to stick two fingers down into my throat, manually forcing the vomit up.

Well that's a new step in our marriage

I immediately threw up the contents of my stomach, and some got on Vincent's hand, but he didn't seem to care as he held my hair back, waiting for me to finish, "I know, let it all out baby."

After I was finally done, I stood taller and made my way to back to Donnie, and Vincent pulled out his phone, "Lucas will be here in about a minute with the medics." He confirmed.

I nodded my head as I laid my ear on Donnie's chest, listening for his heart beat. Once I was content with the steady palpitations, I sat down next to him and held onto his hand.

Just as Vincent had said, a minute later Lucas and some medics came in and picked up Donnie.

A few of Vincent's security guards lingered around, starting to clean up the mess and talking to Vincent as he held me to his chest.

As I was gearing up to tell him that I wanted to go home, when a man almost as large as Vinnie climbed in through a nearby window, making me gasp and grip tightly onto Vincent's shirt.

Vincent immediately turned his head to the direction I was looking at, before shaking his head, "Grey fuckin' Michaels."

The man, Grey Michaels I'm assuming, wore a smug grin. He had a big gun slung over his back, and a deep, white scar that ran through his eyebrow and slightly on his cheekbone, "Still a perfect shot."

"Still a cocky fucker too," Vincent rolled his eyes while holding my back to his chest, his thick arm wrapped around my neck, "Grey, this is my wife, Ezra. Ezra baby, this is Grey, an old friend from college."

He held his hand out, and by now I knew better, "Oh, so the no touching extends to her now too?" He confirmed with a smirk and Vincent nodded his head.

"So, wife?" He smiled down at me, "Never thought I'd see the day." He shook his head, "Dude hated being touched all throughout college, man let me tell you I can't believe he fucked as many women as he did even-"

Vince quickly and loudly interrupted him, "My wife, Grey."

"No, no let the man speak." I laughed and he looked like he was going to continue, but Vincent's glare shut him up quickly.

"I hate that we have to meet like this," he motioned to my bloody clothes and hair, and then to my fathers dead body, courtesy of him I guess, "But I'm excited to finally meet the famous Ezra. Wish you weren't covered in blood and vomit though." He laughed.

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