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Weeks had turned to months and I was meeting with the last of the four families with eligible daughters, the Gallo's. None of the other families I had met with caught my attention, which was no surprise.

Lucas Marchetti had joined me to meet with each family, basically to be a buffer. I was not fond of speaking, and I often found that the words that came out of other peoples mouths irrelevant and tended to ignore them.

Bringing us back to Marchetti, who was talking directly in my ear as we pulled up to a drive way that led to an adequate sized house, "They have a daughter who is 23, her name is Allison Gallo. She's had a couple of offers, but the father says they have received nothing substantial thus far so they have been holding out."

"Vincent? Are you even listening?"

Fuck no I'm not


He gave me an exasperated sigh followed by a side eye, "Fine, if you were listening-"

I interrupted him before he spewed more shit out, "Marchetti, shut the fuck up."

"Yes boss." Marchetti was my longtime friend and right hand, but as of right now, a complete pain in my ass.

Stepping out of the car and walking to the door with Marchetti by my side, I rang the doorbell. Not even a full five seconds had passed, and the door was swung open and my eyes focused onto a young, blonde girl.

"Oh. My. God!" She screeched directly in front of my face, "Hi! I'm Alice Gallo! I've been so excited to meet you Vincent!" The girl scrambled to get the words out, which made me glare at Marchetti, who shrugged with a grin in return. At the same time, she reached out and tried to take my hand, but I quickly pulled back and shook my head. "No touching."

I hated being touched, I couldn't stand it from anyone, not even when I was a child.

She giggled in response, completely ignoring my words, "You are so handsome Vin, oh my God, what a cute nickname, can I call you that?!" She asked quickly, and I honestly couldn't comprehend how this woman was talking this fast and breathing.

"Vincent." I corrected, I did not like nicknames.

"Don't worry, I think the nickname will grow on ya!" She winked, before turning around and screaming out at an alarming octave, "Daddy!"

She turned around with a sheepish smile when she got no response, but she must've felt the need to repeat herself because she yelled for the man again.

"DADDY!" She hollered even louder, making Marchetti and I flinch in response.

"Right here, you don't have to yell in front of our guests, Alice." A man, who I knew to be David Gallo, joked.

David Gallo was a short and round man, who was relatively new to the families. Most families were established for generations, but David Gallo's father was the one who was invited to join, meaning his daughters were just now eligible for offers.

As expected all throughout dinner Alice was very loud, and obnoxious, and kept reaching out to grab different parts of my arm, which had me yanking my hand back each time she tried, but she persisted nevertheless.

"Alice here has completed her training that the Gallo women go through in preparation for marriage, so she is suited to be your wife, Don. She is very lovely and outgoing, and beautiful, no?" He raises his brows suggestively, motioning to her trim body.

That's your daughter you gross fucking pig.

I didn't say anything, so Mr. Gallo kept going, "Alice is a natural caretaker, she's taken care of her younger sister ever since their mother passed. She's helped her through her training, which has been a hardship for this whole family, stubborn brat, that one, but Alice-"

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