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Vincent and I both woke up at 6am the next morning. As usual he got into the shower and I went downstairs and started on the coffee and breakfast, making him some bacon and toast, as well as some oatmeal with fruit.

A few minutes later, he walked down the stairs, "Good morning." He greeted me while kissing my forehead which made my heart drop slightly, as he grabbed his plate. I sat on the counter top drinking my coffee, and he stood right in front me leaning back, but facing me as usual.

I'm so glad he's being nice, and doesn't regret telling me that stuff last night.

"Donnie will be here at nine to pick you up, so please make sure you are dressed and ready to go." He put down his bowl and opened a drawer across the kitchen, pulling out what looked like a rectangle box. He gave it to me, and I furrowed my brows in a silent question.

"It's a new phone." He explained, "I knew you would be out today. I want you to have it on you always. It already has my personal and work number, and Donnie and Lucas have it too."

He then reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, reaching in and grabbing out a heavy black card. He reached over to hand it to me, and I grabbed it from his hand.

"Thank you. I'll give it back tonight." I told him, taking a sip of my coffee.

"No. That is your card. It's connected to our account and you have no limit. You don't ask before you buy anything. Get whatever you need."

"Yes, daddy." I jabbed at his bossy demeanor, because if he's going to act like a dad? He's going to get called a matching title.

He tensed mid-bite, before looking back up at me, seriousness lacing his expression. "Careful, sweet girl." He warned, and I smiled at him, "It's gonna be a little weird to leave the house without you." I admitted.

"I know it will be, sweet girl." I blush slightly at his nickname for me, as he stepped closer, standing in between my spread legs, "But I'm only a text or phone call away, alright?" He confirmed, and I nodded my head, and watched in comfortable silence as he polished off his breakfast.

He stepped clothed toward me, "I have to leave for work, but first, I want a kiss from my wife."

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet, and I have coffee breath." I smiled up at him. "But if you want-"

He cut me off as his mouth pressed against mine, and his large hand cupped the back of my head, pressing my mouth further into his. We stayed like until I couldn't breath any longer, and I had to pull back. We both caught our breath, and after a few seconds, Vincent spoke up. "Before I forget, we have a wedding to attend tomorrow. Do you want Kathy to come over, or do you want to pick a dress yourself?"

"I'll just grab one while I'm out." I responded while out of breath, jumping off the counter, fully ready to go back to bed.

"I'll see you tonight. And remember, keep me updated today. I want to know when you leave here, where you are, and when you come home."

"Yes, daddy." I joked at him again, and Vinnie took his ginormous hand and swung back, before smacking my ass, hard, making me yelp out in response. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

He looked down at me with an unmoving face, running his hand over the the graveyard of where my butt cheek used to be. I flushed in embarrassment, partially because no one had ever done that to me, and partially because I'd never been so turned on.

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