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Donnie and Lucas Marchetti got approved to be adoptive parents to a little baby boy at 7:36 on a Tuesday morning.

Donnie then called me at 7:42 crying his eyes out, and the whole time I thought they had gotten denied by the biologicals babies parents.

Turns out he was crying tears of joy, which then made me cry and Vincent panic.

"Hello?" I answered the phone with a gritty voice since I had previously been sleeping.

"Who is that?" Vincent mouthed to me, as I mouthed back, "Donnie." and he nodded his head and nuzzled back down on my chest.

"Oh Ezra!" Donnie cried hysterically into the phone, "Ezra the baby! The baby!"

"The baby? Donnie what's wrong?"

I could barely make out the words he was saying, "Ezra- I'm- I don't- dad!" He stuttered out.

"Donnie, slow down! Did you get approved or not!?" I questioned as I heard him sniffling.

"No, no approved!"

"So didn't get approved?" I confirmed, and he yelled out, "No! We got approved, are you even listening!? We're gonna have a baby!" He cried even harder.

So after trying to calm Donnie down for twenty minutes, he eventually picked me up at my house at we made our way the first of many baby shops.

Donnie had previously lied when he said he had some stuff picked out for the baby, he had literally nothing, not a single thing other than some random outdated bibs with mustaches on them.

2013 was a hard year for us all

And we were both pretty confused on what to get for an actual child, so we got everything that the baby registries told us to get. We had to make a few trips back to Donnie's house to drop off stuff and reload at another store, and after a lot of money spent, the mission was almost completed.

We were walking around the last baby store and Donnie was trying to find a few last onesies, when a small little pajama set caught my eye.

"This is like, the sweetest little pajama set. I'm actually in love with these! Look at the little feeties on them!" I exclaimed to Donnie.

"If you like them, get them." He shrugged, looking over the pile of clothes in his arms.

"You said you were gonna start trying in a few months, go ahead and get them." He nodded his head.

"You don't think that's bad luck?" I questioned.

"Well we don't want to be in another situation like this again, so I say start prepping now." He confirmed, and I found a few more outfits I liked before going to the register with Donnie.

After Donnie dropped me off back at my house, I sat in the kitchen and ate some fruit while I messed around on my phone. After I got bored of that, I looked out into the backyard, and decided since it was a warm sunny day, I would put the large inground pool to use and get some sun.

I put on my bathing suit, and made my way down to the pool, stopping in the pool house first to grab some towels.

I also figured I might as well give Vincent a heart attack while I was at it, deciding to take off my top, I sent a picture of my bare breasts to Vincent along with a simple, "Miss you."

I laughed internally, men are so easy,

And just like I figured, approximately 12 seconds later I got an incoming call, "Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

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