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I woke up and two things are out of the ordinary.

One, it's daylight, which is crazy because I usually wake up before the sun, and two, Vincent is still laying on me, head on my boobs.

I lay there for a moment adjusting to life, running my hand through Vincent's hair, enjoying the moment until I realized he overslept, "Vince," I shake him roughly like I have to do several times a week because the man sleeps like the dead, "You're late to work."

He let out a low groan in protest.

he's the boss you freaking idiot, he can't be late. Can he?

I decided to take matters into my own hands this morning, and pinch his nose, not letting go until he flinches like a whale coming out of the water, making a terrible snorting noise that I knew had to hurt his chest.

okay that was both cute and funny

I faked an innocent smile, like I didn't just almost commit murder in the first, and greet my husband, "Good morning my love, my sunshine, my da-"

I don't get to continue because Vincent reached out and pinched my sensitive nipple, making me flinch in response, "Not fair." I whined, "They're sensitive."

He lets out a grunt and shifts his head further into my chest, reaching his gargantuan hands under my shirt to cup my boobs, "Good morning my beautiful girls." Vincent says, as he lifts my shirt all the way to my collar bone, kissing around my nipples, making me flush pink.

"Sensitive?" he confirms, and I nod in response.

"Want me to make them feel better?" He questions, and I answered out a "have at it."

Vincent took a nipples into his mouth, moving his tongue all around while humming, making the metal accompanying my nipple vibrate, before pulling back and blowing on it, leaving it with cooling sensation. He went back and forth between licking and blowing for a few minutes, before moving to my next one, and giving it the same treatment. I reach my hand around his head to scratch his scalp while he soothes my aching chest.

I felt Vincent Jr. on my leg, and smile smugly down at Vincent Sr. lying on my chest, "You want me to make it better?" I mocked, as his mouth left my nipples.

"Not funny." He groaned.

"What if I'm not kidding." I joked, making him open an single eye in response to see my smug face, "I mean I am, but what if I wasn't." I laughed out a heinous laugh, joking at his expense.

Vincent rolled out of bed, pulling down my shirt.

"Better?" He asked, making me nod my head in confirmation.

"Make me coffee?"

"Make your own coffee, you big baby."

"You make it taste so much better."

"It's my spit." I joked.

"A special touch from my little wife, hm?" He joked, as I got up out of bed, and when I turned around to walk out the door he slapped my ass, making me yelp in return.

Vincent waited with me until Donnie picked me up, confirming I had all the items I needed for today. "You have your phone, and your bank card?" He asked, which prompted me to nod my head with a "Yes, daddy" that made him swat my ass in return, giving me a quick kiss goodbye.

I got into the car and greeted Donnie, noticing that he had stopped and got us both coffees, as he took us to the nail salon to get our mani's and pedi's.

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