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We did our usual morning routine, I got into the shower and Ezra went downstairs to make my coffee and breakfast, even after I told her she didn't need to anymore.

But I need to remind her how much I appreciate her doing it.

I walked down the stairs and saw Ezra perched on her usual place on the counter top, and greeted my little wife, "Good morning, baby." I kissed her forehead, "I won't be at work long, just a few hours. I'll call you when I'm on my way home, and I need you to ready to go when I get here." I reminded her, and I knew I was being meticulous, but it was how I lived my life. I was in control.

"Yes, daddy." Ezra chuckled, obviously wanting a rise out of me, a small blush stained on her cheeks.

"Knock that shit off." I scolded, and Ezra's face softened, "Why?" She laughed.

"Because it makes me hard." Ezra's eyes widened, "Now give me a kiss."

I knew Ezra was just teasing me with that name, but fuck if that shit didn't turn me on.


I got off work earlier than usual, and decided to stop by the florist on the way home to get some flowers for my wife. I picked out some random flowers and let the florist tie them up, wrapping them in something that looked similar to parchment paper.

When I finally got home, I threw the keys on the entry table and looked around for Ezra. I didn't see her downstairs so I made my way to our bedroom, and when I walked in I saw Ezra standing in the mirror in white lingerie.

Holy hell.

I stood there like a pervert for a good minute with the flowers in my hand, just staring at my wife trying to control my hard. She looked surprised at first, making a move to cover her hands over her chest, but suddenly dropped them back down to her sides which made me smile.

She's getting bolder.

I slowly walked up behind her, and softly ran a single finger under the bra strap on her shoulder, lifting it up and flicking it back down to her skin. I then traced the underwire of her bra, before I decided to go lower, and began to trace the outline of her garter belt, pulling it out and letting it flick back down onto her.

I could see her pierced pink nipples pressing against the sheer fabric of the small bra she was wearing. I had realized that Ezra had her nipples pierced on our wedding night, the small diamonds on the edge were begging to be covered by my mouth, her small tits firmer and perkier than anything I'd ever felt before.

"Do you like it?" Ezra's shy voice pulled me out of my head, slightly back into reality as she turned around to face me.

I pull her closer to me by the garter belt, and slowly nodded my head as she looks at the flowers, taking them from my hand, "You got me flowers?" She asked with a smile.

fuck I actually got it right

I take my thumb and start rubbing her nipple through the sheer fabric, "Figured you may like them."

Her face turned a light shade of pink as she continued on, "Vince, I've been thinking."


"I think when we come home, we should, continue our conversation from last night."

I turned my watch over, looking at the time, seeing that it was closing in upon two o'clock already. No time to do anything. Fuck this fucking wedding


Alex and Ella's wedding was very beautiful and elegant, but very long. Too long. It went by slower than anything I'd ever sat through before, but I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the ceremony, or what I knew was going to happen after the reception.

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