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Pulling up to the warehouse, my nerves were at an all time high. I knew with my whole heart I made the right decision. I needed to keep the people I love safe, and I knew this was the only option. After all, this was my father causing the issues.

I got out of the black suv, and slowly made my way into the the creepy building, following the booming grunting sounds.

That noise better not be what I think it is.

I walk around the corner, and see Donnie lying slumped over on the floor, in a puddle of blood.

I let out a gasp as I I scrambled over to him, dropping to my knees and flipping him over as he groaned, "Donnie?! Donnie wake up!" I yell, tapping his face, "Donnie!" I shook him and he opened his eyes, a small smile forming, "Ezra."

Thank god he's alive.

A dark voice pulls me out of my panic, "Don't worry little girl, he's alive."

I turned around to face my father, who was leaning against the wall, grinning.

"Why did you do this to him? You could've killed him!" I yelled, clenching my fist.

He chuckled, "Wrong, little girl." He shook his head, "You could've killed him, after all, this is all your fault."

I stood to my feet while shaking my head, "Okay, I'm here, let Donnie go, I gave you what you wanted."

"If he can get up and walk to the car, he may go." He decided, and I looked to Donnie. He tried to get up, and I made a move to help him, but my dad pulled out his gun, pointing it at Donnie.

"If he can't move on his own, he can't leave."

"What is wrong with you! Why can't you just leave us alone?" I demanded.

"Why would I?" He asked with a smirk, "You owe me everything, I raised you, fed you, clothed you, the least you could do-"

He was interrupted by a sound outside, a loud car horn honking, and my dad looked in the direction the noise came from, then looked back at me with a glare on his face. He rushed over to me, reaching out and wrapping my hair around his fist. He drug me with him to the front window, pulling down the shade and peaking out, but I while I couldn't see who it was, I had a really good guess,"Seems like we have a uninvited guest," he sneered, "Open the front door. Now."

I slowly walked over to the door with my dad standing right behind me, a gun pointed at my back.

I walk out, and saw Vincent standing there with his hands up, "David you fuckin' idiot."

"Get inside, and don't try anything or else a bullet goes into her."

"I'm not going in that fuckin' house. Bring your fat ass out here." He demanded.

Oh great, we're toast.

My father immediately pushed the gun to my temple, walking forward with death grip on my arm, "I told your stupid ass not to tell him, yet you do the one thing that I told you not too!"

"Hey!" Vince shouted at my father, "You think I don't track my wife, fuckface? I know where she's at at all times, she didn't have to tell me a thing."

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