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I was sitting in my study when I heard a small knock on the door, hoping it my little wife who liked to visit me at random times during the day.

I started working from home more often so I could be around Ezra to ensure she wouldn't be lonely. Then Alice happened a few days back and Ezra started leaving for most of the day, so I planned on just going back to the office, but I needed to be here incase she needed me.

"Come in baby, you don't have to knock." I yell out, and unfortunately for me, it was Alice who walked in my study with a smirk plastered on her face, "Good to know."

I barely looked up from my desktop, "Ezra's not here." I clipped out.

"Oh, I actually wasn't here for my sister." She giggled, inching closer to me.

I clenched my jaw, "If you need something, find your sister."

Ezra had told me what she said her second day here, and I assured her I never even thought of making an offer to Alice. I was only there to appease the families and I just happened to find my Ezra. But it did piss me off that Alice even thought for a minute that she could compare.

She sat on the desk in front of me, twirling her hair in her finger, "What I need," she giggled, "is not something that Ezra can provide."

Who the fuck does this bitch think she is?

I immediately made a move to stand up and she lunged for me, "Make love to me Vincent, I know this is something we both want!" She cried out, "My dad told me you wanted me, and I'm all yours!"

I pushed her off of me and she landed on the floor with a loud thud, "Don't ever fuckin' touch me." I spit out, storming out of my office.

"Ezra!" I yelled out louder than I meant too.

I need to get to her, what if Alice tells her I came onto her? there's no way she would believe Alice over me, would she?

I quickly pushed away the thoughts, and yelled for her once again, "Ezra! Where the fuck are you?" I yelled out.

"I'm in the kitchen!" She yelled back.

I turned around and walked into the kitchen, and Ezra was staring at me with a pissed off face, so before Alice could spew out any bullshit, I spoke, "Your sister just came into my study and tried to fuck me!"

Alice quickly defended herself, "I did not! Vincent called me in to his study to show me something, and then he tried to make a move and when I rejected him he went crazy!" Alice accused me, and Ezra looked between the two of us with a mad expression that I'd never seen on her before.

"Why the hell can you not get it through your thick skull that my husband doesn't want you! I didn't steal him from you, you were never his! Vincent wanted me the second we met, you were not in any of the consideration Alice, my God!

"Oh whatever I-"

Ezra looked right at me, "Tell her Vincent."

So I did as my little wife asked, and looked at Alice, "I had zero intention of marrying you. I only went to the Gallo house as a formality, it had nothing to do with you. I would have never chosen you, Ezra or not."

Alice looked back toward Ezra, "You're lying!"

Who the actual fuck does this bitch think she is?

"I'm done!!" Ezra angrily spit out, "Get out of my house, out!"

Alice didn't move from her spot, looking at me like I was supposed to defend her as Ezra made her way toward the stairs, but before she could go up a step, Alice yelled out toward me, "She can't even give you kids the right way!"

Ezra turned around, and Alice continued, "You can't even have a baby in the natural way, Ezra, that's the one thing you should be able to do, and you can't even do that for him." She finished with smug smile on her face.

A grin formed on Ezra's face as she was quick to reply, "Yeah, and he still chose me, so stay mad about it."

Alice took a step back and Ezra continued, "Vincent doesn't care that I can't have kids. And for my own sister to throw that up shows the truth about you. You're a classless, nasty bitch who tried to sleep with her sisters husband. I want you to contemplate that while your sleeping under the freeway with all the other unwashed and homeless."

Alice opened her mouth for a rebuttal, but Ezra held out her hand, "You have two minutes to get your shit from my house or I'm calling security to come in here and execute you."

Alice reluctantly went up the stairs to retrieve her stuff, and I turned to Ezra opening my arms so she could lay her head on my chest, "I've said it before and I'll say it again, you know I'd never cheat on you baby."

"I know." She spoke calmly, "That was never in question, I just can't believe she'd say that to me y'know?"

"I'll kill her if you want me too?" I offered.

I really would, after she pulled that shit in my office I was ready for her die, anyone else would've been dead, but I couldn't outright kill Ezra's sister, I needed to put her first. But after throwing up Ezra's medical conditional that she had no control over? I wanted her dead.

She looked up at me with her chin resting on my chest, "You don't have too. But I like that you offered." She smiled.

Alice came bounding down the stairs a few seconds later with her suitcase, and I watched her with a death glare as I held Ezra.

"So are you being serious about this Ezra?" She scoffed, "You're really going to do this to me?"

Ezra's face hardened, "You were really going to sleep with my husband?"

Alice didn't say anything in return.


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