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It was new beginning for Mallika in her new college, but she was still not over her past life, her heartless parents and mostly her fake friends. The words *Trust* and *Love* almost lost from her dictionary. When she stepped inside the college, she felt like that she walked into a jungle where hungry greedy animals are just waiting to pounce at her anytime. But still she kept her fingers crossed and continued walking forward without looking anywhere other than the ground on which she was walking. All the bad thoughts and memories was constantly flashing in her mind like anything and she found herself as the most helpless in the whole world. She almost felt a shiver through her whole body, when suddenly....
Mallika crushed into a tall nerd boy who fell on the ground with a bundle of papers that seemed to be very important. Mallika instantly got up shivering thinking about how she's gonna handle the storm raging at her. But it was never how she thought it would be. The boy got up by himself arranging back the papers that had fallen. He came towards Mallika and apologized to her in a shivering and fearful voice. Mallika apologized too and without continuing any other word both of them left.

"First Day at College! And just look at the impression you created on yourself! You were just blindly walking without any control! You just made a fool of yourself Mallika!" I scolded myself with all the anger and rage I had in myself. After a lot of overthinking and self scolding, I thought of finding out the boy and apologize to him properly as it was all my fault. But I was too scared to ask someone about the boy and on top of that I was oblivious to his identity. So I thought of trying to search him all by myself. But the problem was that the college was vast and I was standing at a corner of it just like a liliput who didn't know anything about the college.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now