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Mallika couldn't focus throughout the day after those whispers. She seemed to be deep in thoughts every little moment. But soon it was recess time and it was finally her time to talk to Jannat. She was holding her tray of food and walking past the canteen in search of Jannat when she suddenly noticed her. But what she saw saddened her, Jannat was in a boy's embrace with her eyes closed and her lips curved into that warm smile that always melts Mallika's heart. Jannat was the only one whom Mallika could share her feelings with but she had someone more special in her life who made her feel more comfortable than Mallika. Mallika didn't want to disturb them so she walked away and sat on a bench miserably. It's not like she expected Jannat to have only her but she needed someone talk to and who would always be ready to give her time. She was fidgeting with the food when she saw the same boy coming and sitting on the same seat she was sitting. She shook herself and sat down properly. But her face still seemed to be down. When suddenly she heard a voice.
"Are you ok?" A deep voice from the other side of the seat reached her ears.
She looked up at once and saw that the voice belonged to that boy. She sighed and told that she was fine.
"You don't seemed to be fine! What's wrong?" the same deep voice poked her.
"Hey do I even know you and you expect me to share you my feelings?" Mallika snapped instantly as she didn't like constant poking.
"I am sorry! I forgot to introduce myself! I am Sumedh Mudgalkar. I think we are benchmates in class?" He said sheepishly.
Mallika's eyes widened when she heard the name as she felt so connected to it but she couldn't recall why she felt like that.
"I am sorry too! I was a bit rude to you! Nice to meet you Sumedh! I am Mallika! Yeah sure we met a lot of times though we never shared a word." Mallika sounded rather soft this time.
"So I hope I didn't trouble you asking why you looked down? I was just wanting to help you out with your problems as you helped me last time."
"It's really kind of you but I am not very comfortable in sharing my problems with others."
"It's completely fine with me as I don't want you to do something against your will."
"But maybe we can be friends?" Mallika extended out her hand gesturing to mark the beginning of their friendship as she needed a company with whom she can share her thoughts with. It was quiet unexpected for Sumedh as he never imagined Mallika to do that but he happily agreed and both of them smiled at each other confidently. Mallika seemed to be really happy to get herself a friend who belonged to her class and not a senior. The next day Mallika told everything to Jannat when they met at the entrance. Jannat was the happiest when she got to know that Mallika finally got herself a friend and praised her. Atlast, they both shared a hug and parted their ways.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now