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The day went really well until the recess. Mallika was peacefully having her lunch, she tried to maintain maximum distance from crowd but the whole canteen was full as it was only canteen in whole college. Mallika was still not habituated much with the college crowd but still felt much better than before. Suddenly something worse happened, some random girl came towards Mallika, sat on her table and smacked her on her face. Mallika was about to protest when she thought of the consequences and kept quiet.
"How dare sit on my place, you little brat? Do you even know me? I am queen of the whole college and nobody ever dares to mess with me!!" The girl snaped.
Mallika remained quiet, when the girl threw her food plate on the ground.
"Now you see, what happens on messing with Maya leads you to!"
Then her minions pushed Mallika out of her seat and she fell on the ground. Everyone was looking at her as if she was some strange creature from outside universe but none of them dared to protest.
Mallika just ran with hot tears constantly flowing from her eyes, to the washroom and locked up herself there.

God! How many times? Just how many times do I have to bare these! I am just fed up! Why is my life so cursed?? That girl Maya, what did I even do to her? Why does noone ever love me? Am just too worse to exist in this world!? Was trusting and loving my dear ones, a sin for me? I don't think I deserve a single person in my life. My parents never loved me, my friends never cared for me and just used me to fulfill their needs! I so done right now! I don't think I should live on this earth!

POV ended~
Then Suddenly the washroom door opened and there standing was Jannat with a confused and worried face. After seeing Jannat, Mallika just couldn't help herself and broke into tears in Jannat's embrace.
"Mallika! I am sorry I overheard all your words as my legs didn't want to move away after hearing you cry! I know that I can never feel the way you are feeling right now, I don't think I can feel you better right now but the only thing I can do is to protest for you! Don't worry Mallika! I am the senior most student of the college and noone ever dares to ignore my words. I have handled these brats from long time. I know it's really hard for you to trust me as you've gone through the worst phase of life but I hope you get better soon. That girl Maya is a real pyscho and has been bullying not only her juniors but also her classmates though she is from second year but she never leaves a chance to Bully or attack her seniors as well who are a little weaker than her. But she knows that I am not one of them and never dares to mess with me. Like she thinks herself as the queen as her father is the teacher in charge of the college. But you know what? I am the Principal's daughter and except for you noone knows about this as I never wanted people to judge me on the basis of my guardian but to treat me on the basis of my own talent and hardwork. I never wanted any privilege from my father and neither did my father gave it as he was always against partiality."
Mallika was just so touched by Jannat's word and hugged her even tightly. To her delight Jannat also hugged her back gently with all her warmth. Mallika felt overwhelmed as she never faced a person like Jannat in her whole life. Mallika no more had the ability to control herself as she just felt the warmth and gentleness she never felt before.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now