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Jannat bid Mallika a good bye and left her in front of her classroom. Mallika felt a tremble in her feet as she stepped inside the classroom. It was vast room with a lot of students chattering, talking and roaming about the class room who seemed not even a infinitesimal similar to her. The whole classroom seemed to Mallika like a busy market where nobody cares about the other. Suddenly she spotted an empty bench at the last corner of the classroom which seemed to be a little bit quieter than the rest of the class. Mallika paced faster to get to the seat before it was taken. Soon she settled herself on her seat and stared at the whole classroom from the end corner of the class. It seemed so different. It was completely a new world to her. Suddenly she spotted someone coming towards her seat which made her a bit uncomfortable as solitaire was all what she wanted in her life at that time. But to her utter surprise, it was the boy whom she was looking for. The boy seemed just to be like her - Trembling and shivering with fear to see the new environment around him. He was still holding those papers in his hand. Mallika gradually shifted to the corner making enough space for the boy to sit. The boy noticed it and gestured a thank you by giving a fake smile to Mallika. He sat at the other corner of the bench without uttering a single word making the maximum space between him and Mallika.

Finally I found this boy. Thank you so much God for giving me another chance to feel guilty. But how am I gonna start the conversation. Conservations with boys have always been the worst experience in my life. How am I gonna talk to someone whom I barely know? Should I introduce myself and directly apologize to him? Or should I keep quiet until he speaks out? What should I do! I am just too confused and worried to start a conversation with a boy whom seem to have no interest in introducing himself. Ok! Maybe I should wait for this day to get over and I should try next day as I already know he is in my class.

POV ended~

After a certain time the whole class quietened down as the teacher came in. She seemed to be a sweet and young, she wore a sky blue Saree which was pinned from top to bottom with her neat and tight bun. Her face was simple with the lightest make up. She had the minimal accessories a women should wear - a small locket which was barely visible, a pair of small ball shaped earrings and a watch in her left wrist. She looked really simple and elegant. Just like her look , she was kind, gentle and soft with her words and way of teaching.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now