> CHAPTER 11 <

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Slowly the both broke from the hug when Mallika suddenly asked Jannat about Sumedh.
"Even I don't know when I came here, he was no where around and you were sleeping peaceful--"
When Mallika suddenly cut off Jannat and got up from her bed with a jerk. She looked at the watch hanging from the wall and gasped in horror.
"Oh no! Jan how long I have been sleeping here?" Mallika asked with a worried look on her face. Jannat was about to answer when,
"Calm down Mallika! Don't worry! I got to know from Sumedh that you are severely wounded.. I came to check up on you!" A sweet  soft and gentle voice floated into the room. Mallika looked upto to find out that it was her teacher. She gave both the students a warm smile and took a seat just beside the bed and caressed Mallika's hair.
"Don't worry Mallika!! I know that you are concerned about your classes. But don't worry I got a solution for you. Sumedh is a brilliant student, though I never saw him talk much but his concepts are more clear than any other students. He even takes note of every single thing done in class. So I thought of asking him to help you with your concepts and notes as you missed a few classes today." Soon the teacher left biding a 'good bye' to Mallika. Mallika was feeling little better so she asked Jannat to help her get up which she did. Jannat slowly lead her to her classroom, before entering the class Mallika squeezed Jannat into a hug. As soon as she entered the class she couldn't spot a single student as everyone left except for one - Sumedh. Sumedh was looking thoughtful and seemed as if he was waiting for someone. She got up to their seat limping on her hurt feet. She finally reached their seat and tapped on Sumedh's shoulder. Sumedh turned around to see Mallika by his side. After seeing her Sumedh couldn't stop himself from hugging Mallika. This sudden movement from Sumedh shocked Mallika but she felt a warmth in his hug which made her lips curve into a soft smile and she gently wrapped her hands around him, hugging him back. Suddenly Sumedh realized what he was doing and quickly jolted back.
" I -- I am sorr-y, actually--" he stammered looking a bit flustered.
"It's ok Sumedh! I understood! No need of any explanation" Mallika said calmly. Sumedh was shocked to get such a calm response from Mallika and smiled back.
"By the way Sumedh, the teacher told me to ask you about today's classes and notes! So do you mind coming at my place today?"
Sumedh seemed a bit astounded first but then happily nodded in agreement. As both of them got out their seat picking up their bags, Mallika continued to limp and suddenly her body disbalanced. She was about to fall to the ground but suddenly she felt a strong pair of arms prevented her from falling. She could identify those hands and slowly opened her eyes which she had shut in the fear of falling. As soon as Mallika opened her eyes she looked straight into those beautiful hazel orbs of Sumedh even from his glasses. Mallika felt as if her whole universe was Sumedh himself. She just couldn't stop gazing at his beautiful eyes when her subconscious mind flashed something in her mind which caused her to turn her gaze away from him and get up from his arm startled and flustered. Sumedh felt Mallika and tried to divert the topic.
"Mallika you should be careful! If you don't then Jannat will break my head!" He said faking a frightened face.
Mallika couldn't stop herself from giggling which made Sumedh give her a grin.
"Mallika I know you have not recovered fully, you can wrap your arms around mine to have some support while walking if you don't mind!" Sumedh advised in a sheepish way scratching the back of his neck. Mallika hesitated at first, but then gently wrapped her arms around him.
"Thanks a lot for your help" Mallika whispered in his ears with a light shade of crimson flashing on her face. They both started walking when Sumedh realised that they have never been so close to each other and noticed that how short Mallika was from him marking their height difference. Mallika was really concentrated in the walk that she didn't notice their closeness.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now