> CHAPTER 13 <

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The mug slipped from Mallika's hands spilling the coffee all over the floor as her hands couldn't no longer maintain the grip. Her face went all pale and white for a moment. When she suddenly broke into tears. Sumedh realised that he made a mistake and couldn't speak a word extra. Only she understood what kind of a storm was raging inside her. All those memories flashed back in her mind causing her to feel pain, grief, guilty and lonely. But suddenly she felt a warm embrace around her. She knew whom it belonged to but still looked upto to see the person. It was Sumedh who was at looking straight into her eyes with the most concerned and worried look.
"Mallika! I am sorr--" He was cut off when he felt Mallika's fingers on his lips. She was still looking pale and her eyes bloodshot.
"You shouldn't be sorry! I am the one who should be guilty. I am the one who hid my past from you. I am the one who could never share myself fully with you. I was the one who still couldn't trust you whole heartedly because I was 'scared'! All those dreadful experiences that I have gone through in past forced me to do this. But when you confessed your feelings to me I think you deserve the truth." With that Mallika took a deep breath.
"I was belonged to a middle class family of Haryana. My parents loved me as they always wanted a girl child until, I was in the 10th grade when my whole world turned upside down. My mother passed away due to cardiac arrest. That day was the worst day of my life, that was the first time I found myself helpless and experienced solitude. Though my dad tried to comfort me but I wasn't ready to accept my mother's death. I went into depression and didn't talk to anyone except for my Mom's picture. It was almost 10 months to my mother's death when I heard the most terrifying and shocking news from my father. He
was gonna marry another woman. That day I couldn't hold back my anger and burst out but my dad never cared. I was surprised to see this drastic change in dad as he never disagreed or ignored my words. Things never got better in those days. My stepmother was worse than I expected. She almost treated like me like a maid. But the worst thing was yet left... I was in 11th and was invited to one my friend's birthday party as I knew I wouldn't get the permission, I snuck out from my room from the window. We had a great time when suddenly I was challenged to dance with one of the most popular boy of the class who was also present in there. Though I hesitated first but suddenly the boy grabbed my hand and started dancing with me. We danced as if noone was around and I found myself completely lost in him. After a while, I started feeling dizzy and was about to fall when I suddenly felt two strong arms preventing me to fall but that was the last thing I remembered about that night. But when I opened my eyes I found myself on a soft bed with all clothes ripped off and some scratches on my shoulders. It felt so painful that I couldn't even move. Suddenly I found a note under my pillow it said - "I hope you had a great night!". It didn't take me much time to realise what happened to me last night. I knew that I was in a hotel room but I didn't have a single penny in my pocket except for a  locket given by my mom when I was younger. But I couldn't give it away so I decided to work in the hotel to pay off my bill. I didn't get back home for months as I knew that I wouldn't have been allowed there after all these. My phone was also not with me so there was no chance for them to contact me. I took some online courses and finally passed my 12th with quite  good marks. Fortunately, I was also lucky enough to win a scholarship in a competitive exam where I participated so I finally took the chance of entering this college. You and Jannat gave me the best time here but I couldn't trust you whole heartedly as I didn't have faith in boys but belive me Sumedh! I am grateful to God for giving me a friend like you by my side!" She finished!

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now