> CHAPTER 21 <

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"Ahem! Ahem!" Sumedh coughed making both Ron and Avery hit realisation. Avery quickly stood up with her face all red in embarrassment while Ron had streak of red flashing on his cheeks.
"I-- I am sooo sor-ry!" Avery apologized to everyone present in the room.
"It's ok Avery, you may continue your work!" Mallika assured with a slight smile. Avery sighed in relief and quickly got the number from Ron.

Her POV~
After years of waiting, I finally get to see Sumedh, my Sumedh! All these years were the worst time of my life. I pretended to be a lifeless, heartless creature who didn't care about anyone or anything. I was just being so selfish and mean. But now I have decided that I am gonna change back to the Mallika I was. The one who could love anyone with her whole heart and now as I have got Sumedh by my side, I don't think I should be worried! And about us, yes we've thought to give this relationship a chance as both of us were craving for each other in these years. After all the hardships I have gone through, I know how to handle toxic situations so I don't need to worry. Even if I am Mallika deep down in my heart but for the society I am THE MALLIKA SINGH who is scared of none.

POV ended~

It was a Saturday and Mallika had already departed for office. She reached there sooner than expected because the traffic was much less compared to the other days. Most of the employees work from home on Saturdays unlike Mallika coz she is more into the office environment. But poor Avery couldn't get a chance to work from home as she was Mallika's PA and being the PA, she has to attend office whenever Mallika was there. Avery was always on time so she had arrived before Mallika. As soon as she stepped in her cabin, Avery greeted her with a soft smile which is always plastered on her face. Mallika nodded her head in response and gave her a smile too? That was really unexpected for Avery, as Mallika had never smiled at her in that way. Anyways, both Mallika and Avery soon got into work that they almost forgot about the time. It was almost lunch time when Avery quickly glanced at her watch just to realize that it's already past 2pm.
"Ma'am,  it's 2.15, i--if yo-uuu don't mind may I brr-ing sssome lunch for us!" She asked in her regular scared tone as she thought Mallika would yell at her anytime.
"Oh yes! I totally forgot about it!" Mallika answered in softer tone agreeing to Avery. Something clicked in Avery as she smiled back too and left to bring the lunch. It wasn't much time Avery had left as Mallika was finishing some of her pending works when she heard a knock. She kinda looked perplexed as she didn't expect Avery to come so soon.
"Come in."
As soon as the door opened she found a familiar figure who wasn't Avery at all.
"SUMEDH?!" She exclaimed in excitement.
"How did you come in?"
"Calm down Mallika! I brought you some lunch. Your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwitch and Unicorn  Frappuccino!"
"OMG! You still remember?"
"Yes ofc I do. How can I even forget?!"
"I love you Sumedh!" With that Mallika hugged Sumedh real tight. Sumedh smiled and hugged her back whispering "I love you more!" . They both enjoyed the lunch and were talking their hearts out. Mallika was about to get up and grab the tissues (as they were a bit far from her table) when suddenly she felt a grab on her wrist. As soon as she turned around, she found herself pinned against the wall with the tall figure in front of her. She shot a confused look at Sumedh as she was shook by this sudden action of his. When he started leaning closer to her, soon there was no more space between them.
"May I?" Sumedh whispered. It didn't take much time for Mallika to understand what it was as she nodded shyly.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now