> CHAPTER 10 <

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It wasn't a while when Mallika woke up to find out Jannat by her side looking at her with a motherly concern in her eyes. Mallika was more than glad to find Jannat by her side and tried getting up to hug her. When Jannat prevented her from getting up and gave her the same warm smile but the concern in her eyes remained the same. 
"I am fine Jan! I am much better now!" Mallika assured Jannat by placing her hand on hers.
"Mallika! I was really horrified to find you in the washroom that way! How did that happen? I was really worried." Jannat asked Mallika in concerned and shaky voice by caressing her forehead.
"I am sorry Jannat I troubled you! But- t I had tripped over an empty bucket and a sharp thing pricked on my feet making it bleed! It hurt so much that I couldn't get up and I never knew when I passed out" Mallika reluctantly lied to Jannat.
"Mallika the day I saw you, I don't know I felt a connection towards you! You look so much like my younger sister whom I had lost back when I was only 15. She was just like you - introvert, shy and sweet. She was three years younger than me and nobody was dear to me like her, not even my parents as they were always busy in their own work. When I lost her, my whole world turned upside down. I locked myself up for one whole week and never came out, not even for food. My parents tried their best to make me understand but I just couldn't get over the fact that she was no more. I used to stare at her pictures all day long and sob over it every single day. When one day Raj came to meet me, we used to be best friends back then. He came up to me and I couldn't stop from bursting out myself to him. I cried for hours in his embrace and he never protested about anything, he calmly heard all my words and gave me the comfort I needed at that time. After that day I our bond grew more stronger and we became more than friends. We even decided to come to the same college. But when I saw you that day I just couldn't myself talking to you, it just shook me when I found out the similarities between you and her. So I just decided to treat and love you just like my own sister. Those memories flashed in my mind when I saw you lying down on the floor." Jannat finished with a deep sigh. Mallika was so deep into Jannat's words that she didn't even noticed that she had finished. But when she realized that Jannat had finished she jolted up from the bed and hugged Jannat as tight as she could. She didn't care about her pain. After feeling the hug Jannat couldn't resist herself from hugging her back. Both of them felt the same warmth in each other's embrace and tears started rolling down their eyes, not of pain but of happiness and pleasure. But suddenly Mallika felt someone's absence. It felt as if she was missing out on someone and that's when she mumbled "Sumedh!" She finally realized that Sumedh was no where around them.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now