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It felt so new and light to Mallika when she sat on her bench. She couldn't wait to talk to her new friend. She was really excited but suddenly she felt her nerves tremble as it reminded her of the dreadful past she witnessed. She suddenly felt a shiver run throughout her body. She felt the same feeling as before and just lost into deep fear. She couldn't feel her own existence. The whole world seemed to be so empty to her when suddenly she felt a slight tap on her shoulder. She jumped back to reality and turned to find out it was Sumedh who was staring at her with a concerned look and his hands on her shoulder.
"I am sorry! But you look so lost! May I help you?" Sumedh asked in a concerned low tone.
"No-- I mean no I am totally fine." Mallika knew she didn't seem natural.
"Hey, we were supposed to be friends! And friends always share their feelings with each other. Even if I can't help you but atleast give you the company and comfort you need?!" Sumedh spoke in a warm and friendly tone. Those words were enough to melt Mallika as she never expected someone to say those words to her. She was just staring at Sumedh with her eyes widened. But she was still reluctant to trust a guy so quickly.
"I know you are my friend Sumedh but I don't think I can trust someone so easily after my dreadful past! I know you are really kind and will not mind my words."
Sumedh looked a bit startled at first but then he replied with the most calm tone.
"Maybe I don't know what really happened with you in past but as it's your present I will never force you to recall your past! Being a friend I don't want my pal to recall something which she doesn't want to. I really don't want to ruin our friendship as you are my first ever friend in the college!" And with that he gently placed his hand on Mallika's with a warm and soft smile on his face. Sumedh's touch felt really warm to Mallika. But it didn't take much time for Mallika to realize their closeness and she felt flustered. She quickly shook away her hand from Sumedh's and smiled awkwardly as she didn't know how to react. Sumedh also understood Mallika and smiled with a streak of light red shade on his cheeks. The day went really well for both of them. Mallika seemed to be really happy to be friends with someone of her type. Her friendship with Jannat also grew strong but they mostly saw each other only after college as Mallika didn't want others to see how strong and well their friendship has grown. Her friendship with Sumedh also grew well enough and she was leading quiet a happy life.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now