> CHAPTER 23 <

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The sweet figurine got up as soon as the sun rays flickered through the tiny spaces between her curtains. The first thing she did was to stand in front of her parent's picture and give them her cute yet beautiful smile. No, it's not Mallika, it's Avery. Avery was a complete different person than the other people. Where everyone gets more cold hearted with hardships, she used learn how to stay happy even after going through hardships. Avery's life wasn't really sweet as her, it was way more bitter than you could ever think. She lost her parents in a car accident when she was just 6 years. She had no one at home to take care of so head off to the nearest police station in search of her parents as she had no idea about their death.  The cops informed her about the accident as they sent her to the nearest orphanage. She was way too young to understand her parent's absence but never complained about anything at the orphanage. She got well adjusted to the environment. She used to be the most happy, beautiful and the smartest kid in their orphanage. She was adored by everyone until when she was 18. As being the smart kid she was, it was easier for her to a well renowned college on full scholarship. But the problem came into existence when she became the target of every college bully. She had a lot of reasons to get depressed but nooone or nothing could ever take away her smile. Yes her college years were really difficult but she tried hard and finally got a chance to choose her passion as her profession. Now, she was the personal assistant of THE MALLIKA SINGH, the CEO of the most famous fashion brand of LA. Avery was living her best life now after so many hardships. Soon she changed herself into her formals, ready to leave for office. Avery's apartment was quite close to the office so she used to often walk over. As she was walking, she bumped into a familiar figure and knocked down to the ground. She couldn't identify who it was as she had already shut her eyes as she fell. Soon she opened her eyes just to meet the most beautiful pair of eyes where she already got lost once. It was Ron! They stared at each other for a moment when their trance broke as Ron stood up helping Avery up too.
"Sorry!" Ron apologized bowing down.
"No it's fine!" Avery replied in the flustered tone.
"It's really kind of you to forgive me! Mind me dropping you off to your office?" Ron offered
"But won't you get late?" Avery asked with a concern.
"No I won't!" Ron assured giving her a soft smile which made her blush again.
"Ok then"
The two started walking together with each of them stealing glances time to time. When suddenly Ron spoke.
"Though we already know each other's name! But we never really introduced ourselves to each other! What do ya say!?"
"Oh yeah sure! I am Avery Grace Smith, a 23 year old independent working woman!" Avery said proudly..
"Pleasure to meet you Miss Smith! I am Ronald David. A 24 year old working lad!" With that they shared a handshake and smiled each other.
"How about we exchange our numbers? Coz anyways we are work partners as of now!" Ron asked.
"Yeah sure! Why not." With that they both exchanged each other's number.
"Oh we are here already! Meet you again soon Avery!" Ron left waving at her. She waved back and smiled in her mind.
"How cute." She thought.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now