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Even Sumedh had quiet a good time with Mallika. Both of them were enjoying each other's company equally. Mallika also introduced Sumedh to Jannat. Jannat was also overwhelmed to see Mallika finally find a company of her type. It was like Mallika almost forgot about her past life which used to haunt her every single time. Both of her friends were enjoyed her happiness. She never complained about anything further as she knew how to ignore people who backtrack her. She was gradually coming out of her firm shell of introversion. When one day turned to be the worst in her life. It was recess time and she was in girl's restroom washing her face she when she felt a strong pull from the back, a rough cold hand pinned her against the wall. It was Maya! She was terrified to see her. Maya was giving her the most dreadful glare with a horrifying smirk on her face. She looked like a monster. Without letting Mallika speak a single word Maya smacked her face and started yanking her hairs. Mallika started to shout and tears fell down her cheeks.
"Aww! Pure baby! Crying for her mamma to come!?" Maya teased.
Her words pricked Mallika like thorns. She continued shouting for help but noone ever came.
"You think of me as a fool!! Noone can hear you, moron! You just deserve to treated like this! Remember how your "Mommy" treated me in front of everyone! You should be thankful that noone's around!" Maya barked.
Finally Maya pushed Mallika hard on the ground and stomped on her feet with her high pencil heels. Mallika was crying in pain when her feet started bleeding.
"Now you know that why you shouldn't mess with 'Maya'!" With that Maya stormed off from the restroom. Mallika couldn't even move her leg as it was heavily bleeding. Tears never stopped rolling down her face, her throat started to sore which stopped her from shouting for help. After sometime she fainted on the floor.

Her POV -
I found myself in the nurse room. I tried to get up, but a cold gentle hand stopped me. I turned to see whom the hand belonged to. It was Sumedh who was looking at me with the most worried and concerned face. I even felt a pain in feet which was wrapped with a
Gauze bandage. But I felt my heart broke when I didn't find Jannat by my side. I didn't expect her absence. But I can't judge her so quickly before knowing the reason.

POV ended~

"You shouldn't try to get up now, Mallika!" Sumedh prevented Mallika from getting up.
"Ugh- How did I came here?" Mallika asked in lower tone looking completely oblivious.
"Jannat found you fainted in the restroom with your bleeding feet. She didn't waste a single time and bought you here and told me to stay with you as she has gone to attend a very important duty. She will be back in few time! Don't worry about that and take rest! You really need that!" Sumedh told her everything and laid her down to the bed. Now Mallika felt much lighter and felt guilty about how she judged Jannat so quickly. She was still weak so she slowly closed her eyes but was not asleep yet when she felt that same gentle touch on which was caressing her forehead. She didn't want to open her eyes as it felt so soft and relaxing. She smiled softly as she felt so light by the touch. She loved it so much that in no time she was asleep again!

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now