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"Mallika- " Sumedh tried to break the silence between them when he noticed Mallika sobbing already. He quickly reached her and wrapped her into a warm embrace. Mallika was hesitant at first but she couldn't resist anymore and hugged him back with tears continuously brimming from her yes. They just didn't care about the surroundings and just stayed in that position for a moment. Sumedh also couldn't help tears falling from his eyes after seeing his first and last love after so many years. Soon Mallika pulled away from the hug, wiping away her tears she looked into those hazel orbs and she got lost in them yet again. Sumedh was lost in her dark doe eyes as well but realisation soon hit them and they looked away.
"Mm-allika! I-i ammm sorry!" Sumedh apologized in his shaky voice with his head down with guilt and tears still rolling down his cheeks.
"Was this all you need to say?? All these years.. just this much?? Did you ever care about me!! You just left me like a lost cat in rain where I was hopeless and filled with guilt! I changed myself just to forget you and move on but poor me, I could never do that. I even ruined my relationship with Jannat and I know I can never mend that back. I tried contacting you a million times but you never responded!" Mallika couldn't help herself rather than snapping back at Sumedh's words.
"Mallika! I know how much you've changed in these few years. To be honest, I agreed to leave you coz I really wanted you to start over as I knew you couldn't love me. I just wanted you to be happy but now I understood how much I have troubled you and made your heart ache.. I am sorry Mallika! With that Sumedh was about to leave when Mallika grabbed him by his arms.
"I am sorry too Sumedh! Even I was unfair to you! I know how much pain you've been through all these years! I realised how much you loved me the second I got know that you were leaving. Maybe we both needed a new start?" Mallika gave him a soft smile through her tears just like the way she used to give back in those days.
"You are too kind to do that Mallika and that's the reason I love you, I love you so much!" With that Sumedh wrapped Mallika into his warm embrace with happy tears brimming from their eyes. They were hit realisation when they heard a knock on the door and with that they separated.
"Come in!" Sumedh and Mallika both said in unison causing the door to click open. It was Avery and Ron (Sumedh's PA).
"Sorr-ry to disturb you Ma'am-- " Avery was cut off when Ron spoke up in a very bold tone,
"Apologies for disturbing sir but you've got a lot more meetings in your schedule, would you mind leaving now as our deal is already fixed!" Avery was kinda amused to see the way Ron just went on with his words boldly in front of his boss whereas she couldn't even utter a single word without stuttering in front of Mallika. Both Mallika and Sumedh felt a bit embarrassed as they were delaying their official works just because of their personal problems.
"Avery please collect Mr. Mudgalkar's number from Ron as we may need it for further discussions." Mallika got back to her formal tune.
"S-sure Ma'am!" Avery replied. As she was reaching Ron to get the number, she slipped on something. She was about to fall when a strong pair of arms grabbed her by the waist. Avery who had already closed her eyes due to the fear of falling, opened her eyes just to find it was Ron. His sky blue orbs looking straight into her eyes with her getting completely lost in his eyes.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now